Documentation might change without patching the package on npmjs. Please read README.md on the GitHub repo to get the latest documentation.
Since I'm the only person that created this package I can't take care of everything so in some cases my code may behave not as expected. Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting a change or a bug.
- Install the package
npm i ezdiscordbot
- Import it to your project
import { EasyDiscordBot } from 'ezdiscordbot';
Additional modules that you can import from the package
- stringProcessor - function - use it to replace square brackets expressions
- DiscordBotCommand - class - another way to create commands (not recommended) (you have to push them to the
- Insert the following line into your package.json file
"type": "module"
Create your bot's instance
const bot = new EasyDiscordBot(params);
- params - an object that contains bot's basic configuration
- name - string - your bot's name (will appear in help message)
- prefix - string - your bot's prefix ("!" if not specified)
- discordToken - string - Discord bot token (Discord Developer Portal) Connect your app to Discord using
- port - string (optional) - if specified, the app will create an http server and start listening on specified port
The package contains 2 built-in commands
help [command name (optional)]
- shows commands list or details about[command name]
show [role/user/channel/server ID/ping]
- shows details about given object (hidden by default) (requires ADMINISTRATOR privileges)
bot.config.helpMessage = null; # disable "help" command
bot.config.showCommand.enabled = false; # disable "show" command
bot.config.showCommand.hidden = false # show the "show" command in the help message;
bot.config.helpMessage.hidden = true # hide the "help" command;
You can add your own commands by using
- name
- string - your command name that will be used to trigger the command
- array (string)
- first element is the command name
- other elements are aliases that can also be used to trigger the command
- description - string - command description that will appear in the help message
- permissions - object or null - command usage permissions
- execute - function - being called when using a command (first argument is a message object)
- keywords - array (string) - array of keywords that can trigger the commnand without prefix
- usage - string - usage instructions that will be displayed in help message
- hidden - boolean - if it's
, the command will not appear in the help message
You can get a full list of commands in the instance from commands.list property
console.log(bot.commands.list); // Logs array of Command instances to console
To get a specified Command instance use commands.get(name)
- name - string - command name
bot.commands.get('help').description = 'Help message'; // Changes description of the "help" command
Command arguments are located in the "command" property of every "message" object.
- isCommand - boolean - is true when the message is an instance of a command
- name - string - name of the command
- arguments - array (string) - arguments list
- permissions - array (string) - contains names of privileges that are permitted to use the command (list of permissions available here)
- roles - array (string) - contains IDs of roles that are permitted to use the command
- users - array (string) - contains IDs of users that are permitted to use the command
The caller has to meet at least 1 requirement to start a command.
The following expressions will be replaced while sending a message, replying or using stringProcessor function in any other place
- replaced with your bot's name[prefix]
- replaced with bot's prefix[command]
- replaced with command's name
Using string processor manually
import { stringProcessor } from 'ezdiscordbot';
console.log(stringProcessor.bind(this)('[botName]')); // Logs your bot's name from the bot.name property to the console
You can also use template strings
bot.addCommand('id', 'Displays your ID', 0, m => { m.reply(`Your ID is: ${m.author.id}`) });
There are 4 main events
- onReady - function - will be called each time your bot successfully connects to Discord
- onMessage - function - will be called when someone sends a message
- message - object - a message object
- onCommand - function - will be called when someone starts a bot command
- message - object - a message object
- onError - function - will be called when Discord API returns an error
- error - object - an error object
- message - object (optional) - a message object that will be used to reply to the caller with error message These 4 functions are located in the "events" property. You can easily overwrite them.
bot.events.onReady = () => console.log('Bot is ready!')
You can add other events from the Client instance (list)
bot.client.on('channelCreate', c => {
console.log('Created channel:', c.name);
Using bot.client.on('message')
instead of bot.events.onReady
will overwrite the message processor that's built-in to this package. If you do this, your bot will not react to any command.
Configuration parameters are stored in the "config" property.
- discordToken - string - your bot's token
- prefix - string - bot's prefix
- accentColor - string (HEX or RGB) - used to set color of embed messages
- helpMessage - object
- header - string - Help message header
- description - string - Help message bottom text
- hidden - boolean - if it's
, the help command will not appear in the help message
- botActivity - object - an object that will be used to set your bot's activity on Discord
- type - string - type of activity (list)
- url - string (optional)
- title - string - activity name
To disable these 3 messages, change these properties' type to something, that's not an object
- errorMessage - object - used to configure the appearance of an error message
- header - string - title of an error message
- description - string - bottom text of an error message
- color - string - color of the embedded content
- detailsTitle - string - title of details field
- deleteTimeout - number - time (in ms) after which an error message will be deleted
- insufficientPermissions - object - used to configure the appearance of a permission error message
- header - string - title of the message
- description - string - bottom text of the message
- color - string - color of the embedded content
- deleteTimeout - number - time (in ms) after which the message will be deleted
- commandNotFound - object - used to configure the appearance of a "command not found" message
- content - string - message to the user
- color - string - color of the embedded content
- deleteTimeout - number - time (in ms) after which the message will be deleted
A static property is defined for creating embedded content.
- params - object
- title - string - title of embedded message content
- description - string - bottom text of embedded message content
- footer - string
- showTimestamp - boolean
- color - color of the embedded content
- image - string (url) - URL to an image that will be attached to the message
- thumbnail - string (url) - URL to an image that will be attached to the message as a thumbnail
- author - array (string)
- name - string
- image - string (url)
- link - string (url) - link to external resource that will be attached to the author
- url - string (url) - URL that will be attached to the message
- fields - array (object)
- title - string - title of the field
- value - string - bottom text of the field
- inline - boolean - determines if the field is displayed in line
- Get guild by ID - getGuild(id) - returns Promise(Guild or
)- id - string - id of a guild
- Get role by ID - getRole(guild, id) - returns Promise(Role or
)- guild - string (guild ID) or a Guild instance
- id - string - role ID
- Get channel by ID - getChannel(guild, id) - returns Promise(Channel, VoiceChannel, TextChannel, CategoryChannel or
)- guild - string (guild ID) or a Guild instance
- id - string - channel ID
- Get user by ID - getUser(guild, id) - return Promise(Member or
)- guild - string (guild ID) or a Guild instance
- id - string - user ID