Library for reading/writing microbiology DNA files (ABI, AB, AB1, SCF, FASTA, SEQ, etc).
Requires LightSaber base library.
Has support for:
- SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism)
- QV (base Quality Value)
- Integrated trimming engine (automatic bad-end trimming)
- Recalling of bad (N) peaks using proprietary algorithm
- Automatic sequence direction (F/R)
- Reading and displaying the chromatogram data
- read/write SCF files
- read ABI/AB/AB1/AB! files
- read/write FASTA files
- read/write GeneBank (GBK) files.
The import functionality is accessible with a call to a single function: TCubeImport.Import(FileName)
TCube = class(TCubeAbstractSnp)
function Import(CONST FileName: string): Boolean; { Fasta and GBK files are not supported because they may contain more than one sample! }
function AssignGBK (CONST Gbk : TGbkObj): Boolean;
function AssignScf (CONST SCF : TScfObj): boolean;
function AssignAbi (CONST ABI : TAbiObj; EditedField: boolean= True): Boolean;
function ExportAs (CONST aFileName: string; Clean: Boolean; OUT BasesLeft: Integer): Boolean;
procedure ExportAsFASTA (CONST FileName : string; Clean: Boolean; OUT BasesLeft: Integer); overload;
procedure ExportToSCF (CONST aFileName: string; Clean: Boolean); overload; { This will remove all GAPs }
function ExportToSCF (CONST Clean: Boolean): string; overload; { Returns the name used to save the file }
function AsFasta (CONST aFileName: string; Clean: Boolean): TFastaObj; overload; { Return a TFastaObj object built from this cube }
procedure SaveChromaAsBmp(CONST Nume: string);
The code was tested on millions of DNA samples over the years and works flawlessly.
Next to come:
Code to import NextGen DNA sequence files such as SFF. SFQ, FAS.
+ TrimEngine
+ Assign(TSample)
+ Average Quality
+ Highest QV
+ FindAdaptor
+ Clip Left/Right
+ Good Bases
+ can work with sequences with length over 65535 bases
+ Implements a single SFF read
+ NoOfGoodBases
+ GoodBases
+ Conversion to Fasta
+ BuildQVGraph