This project handles the indexing of Crossref and ORCID dumps.
This is part of the Open Biomedical Citations in Context Corpus research project, actually used for speed up OpenCitations SPAR Citation Indexer (SPACIN) process.
In order to speed up the search process we exploit Solr as search platform.
Download and extract it, then go in solr/bin
and run
$ ./solr start
$ ./solr create -c crossref
$ ./solr create -c orcid
Now you should have a Solr instance running with two cores named crossref
and orcid
, where everything will be stored.
At this point, copy each schema file contained in the schemes
directory to {SOLR PATH}/server/solr/<core name>/conf
renaming it to managed-schema
This is the procedure of copying data from one or more sources into a destination system which represents the data differently from the source(s) or in a different context than the source(s) [1].
The Crossref dump is composed of 38096 json file, each one containing metadata about 3000 references. The ETL script can handle both the compressed file or the path containing the extracted files.
We need to index these docs, and in order to do that we create a bibref-like string starting from the informations we have (eg: authors, title, short container title, issued, date, volume, issue, page and doi).
The script will create a series of objects having this schema:
'id': '10.1002/(sici)1097-0231(199705)11:8<875::aid-rcm934>;2-k',
'bibref': 'James L. Stephenson Scott A. McLuckey , Charge Reduction of Oligonucleotide Anions Via Gas-phase Electron Transfer to Xenon Cations, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 1997 5 , 10.1002/(sici)1097-0231(199705)11:8<875::aid-rcm934>;2-k',
'original': '{"indexed": {"date-parts": [[2020, 3, 25]], "date-time": "2020-03-25T13:50:56Z", "timestamp": 1585144256746}, "reference-count": 0, "publisher": "Wiley", "issue": "8", "license": [{"URL": "", [...]}'
is the unique key field and is the lowercased DOI,bibref
is the textual field that is indexedoriginal
is the original JSON document in Crossref, that will be returned with a query
At the end of the processing of each json file, the related objects are loaded in Solr.
The ORCID dump is composed of many compressed tar.gz files. We're interested only in ORCID_<year>_summaries.tar.gz
: get it from its website, and specify the reference to the file when you run the process.
The schema that we're using for the ORCID is the following:
"authors":"[{\"orcid\": \"0000-0003-1789-8243\", \"given_names\": \"Vinicius\", \"family_name\": \"Machado de Oliveira\"}]",
is a DOI (unique key)authors
is a stored field containing a list of authors, each object composed of anorcid
, agiven_name
and afamily_name
First of all, be sure that Solr is up and running. Then, chose if you want to work with an already extracted dump file or directly with the compressed dump. You'll have to specify some parameters:
- source: can be 'path' if you want to specify the extracted path or 'compressed' if you want to specify the compressed filename
- path: the path of the already extracted json (if 'path' is chosen as source)
- dump_filename: the absolute file reference of the dump
- solr_address: the address of the Solr server (if running in local, keep it as it is),
So if you want to run it on an folder where it can find all the extracted jsons:
python3 "/full/path/to/extracted" 'path' '' "http://localhost:8983/solr/crossref"
If you want to run it on an compressed dump:
python3 "" 'compressed' '/full/path/to/crossdump.tar.gz' "http://localhost:8983/solr/crossref"
As for the ETL Crossref, be sure that Solr is up and running. You'll have to specify some parameters:
- output_path: is the path where the output will be stored
- summaries_dump_absolute_reference: the absolute path to ORCID's summaries dump.
Run it with $ python3 <output_path> <summaries_dump_absolute_reference>
and have another big break. Better to run this overnight.