川虎壁纸 Chuanhu Wallpaper v1.13
- 给川虎壁纸的代码做了一波处理,三大 View 看起来都更加的清爽了
- 将 Solar 和 Time 中的每一个壁纸块作为一个个的 cell 分离到了 WallPaperView 中。
增加 Drag & Drop 支持
- 可以一次性从文件夹中拖拽图片出来,批量导入,
- 亮暗色支持拖动到对应的颜色模式,
- 悄悄的说,从 app 工具栏按钮导入也可以多张一起啦~
- 动作按钮,例如上/下移,删除都支持动画啦~
- 没有图片的时候默认就是居中固定显示,取消了 ScrollView
Code Simplified
- The code of ChuanhuWallpaper has been processed to make all three views cleaner.
- Separated each wallpaper block in Solar and Time as a cell into WallPaperView.
Add Drag & Drop Support
- You can drag and drop images from folders at once, and import them in batches.
- Light and dark colors are supported to be dragged to the corresponding color mode.
- The light and dark colors can be dragged to the corresponding color mode, and the app toolbar button can be used to import multiple images together.
- Action buttons, such as move up/down and delete, are now animated.
Minor Changes
- The default is centered and fixed when there is no image, the ScrollView has been removed.