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This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Mid/Senior Front End Developer Code Challenge


  1. npm >= v5.2
    • Other package managers can be used so long as they are supported by Create-React-App
  2. Nodejs >= v8.x
  3. Two open terminals at the root of the application

Running the Project:

  1. $ npm install to install dependencies
  2. $ npm start to run the React application
  3. In the other terminal, $ npm run server to run the express server on port: 9001
  4. In the browser of your choice, navigate to localhost:3000

Basic Structure:

  1. The React application:
    • Uses Redux for global state management
  2. The Express server (/src/server):
    • Receives http requests from the React application
    • Make http requests to public Gaia API's using Axios
  3. Redux pipeline:
    • Actions:
      • Dispatched by the React Application to trigger middleware and reducers
    • Middleware:
      • Listens for actions and maps them to handlers > await an http request to the express server
        • Handles success by dispatching a success action
        • Handles failure by dispatching a failure action
      • Then calls next(action) to pass the action to the reducers
    • Reducer - Handles updating application state based on certain actions

Orienting yourself

  • Once the project is running, open the codebase in your editor of choice
  • Navigate to /src/App.js
  • Find the TODO comment in the render method
  • In the render method for <App />, you will see episodes, seriesProcessing, and seriesError
    • These variables are hydrated from data in the redux store which is populated on mount of <App />
    • seriesProcessing - Indicates whether or not a series request is being made
    • seriesError - Is the error message, should an http request for series fail
    • episodes is an array of 5 episode objects in the form:
  episode = {
    tileArtLarge: string,
    tileArtMedium: string,
    tileArtSmall: string,
    title: string,
    seasonNum: number,
    episodeNum: number,
    durationSeconds: number,
    teaser: string,
    playlist: boolean,


  1. Install and use any packages you wish
  2. Add any folders and files you may need to organize your code
  3. This codebase has Redux Dev tools enabled
  4. This challenge should take around 3 hours

Acceptance Criteria:

Please meet as many of the following criteria as you can in the allotted time

  1. Build a <Section /> component from episodes:

    • Screen width > 1069px: alt text
    • Screen width < 1070px: alt text
  2. UI requirements:

    • Section container
      • max-width: 1070px;
      • min-width: 450px;
    • Breakpoints
      • Screen width > 1069px
        • Active episode/teaser and episode list should render side by side
      • Screen width < 1070px
        • Active episode/teaser should render on top of episode list
    • See large breakpoint mock above for episode list styling based on different states:
      • Default
      • Active
      • Hover
    • Other Specific Styles:
      • Play button - background-color: #01b4b4;
      • Play button hover - background-color: #007172;
      • Ellipse button - background-color: #5c738;
      • Ellipse button hover - background-color: #44576b;
    • In episode list, format episode.durationSeconds to nearest (MM) mins
    • Use best judgement for spacing within the section
    • Use optimal thumbnail image size as screen width changes
    • For any styling that is undefined, make your best effort to preserve the sprit of the mock images above
    • OPTIONAL - add any additional UI/UX polish
      • Skipping this step will not be counted against you
  3. UX Requirements:

    • Play button (>) - onClick:
      • Noop
    • Episode item - onClick:
      • Toggle episode styling in the episode list (see large breakpoint mock above)
      • Toggle the active episode display to the clicked episode
      • The active episode consists of:
        • Label
        • Thumbnail
        • Playlist
        • Teaser
    • Playlist button (+)/(-) - onClick:
      • Preferred implementation:
        • Dispatch a Redux action that updates the playlist property on the active episode in the Redux store
      • Playlist state should not persist through page refresh
      • Playlist state should persist through active episode toggles

What We're Looking For in Your Code:

  • Implemented functionality meets acceptance criteria
  • It should demonstrate:
    • Understanding of React rendering lifecycle
    • Effective state management
    • Concise CSS
    • Well-defined component Structure


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