This project integrates the idea of the CenterNet into the SiamRPN universal object detection and tracking model without specific training. The SiamRPN uses features compared to find where is the template object in the search image. The CenterNet makes the detection model more simple to train and prepare data.
*This now still support for single object only
To use very large datasets to hopefully cover as many objects as possible. Surely it will use too much time to train too. So these demo models I provide are trained only for one epoch, Therefor it may still have low accuracy.
python -v {video file} -m {path to .pth} -s {model slug (r18 or r50)}
Draw a bounding box on an object to be a target. If no --image args program will let you draw on video press 'c' to pass a frame, press 'space bar' to finish (you may have to press two time)
ImageNet: ILSVRC
To use my ILSVRC loader the data folder format must be.
./dataset/ILSVRC/Data/VID/{train, val}
- SiamRPN :
- CenterNet :