pip install galax
Coming soon. In the meantime, if you've used gala
, then galax
should be
Let's compute an orbit!
import jax.numpy as jnp
import unxt as u
import coordinax as cx
import galax.coordinates as gc
import galax.dynamics as gd
import galax.potential as gp
w = gc.PhaseSpaceCoordinate(
q=u.Quantity([8, 0, 0], "kpc"),
p=u.Quantity([0, 220, 0], "km/s"),
t=u.Quantity(0, "Myr"),
pot = gp.MilkyWayPotential()
orbit = gd.evaluate_orbit(pot, w, u.Quantity(jnp.linspace(0, 1, 100), "Gyr"))
# Orbit(
# q=<CartesianPos3D (x[kpc], y[kpc], z[kpc])
# [[ 8. 0. 0. ]
# ...
# [ 7.804 -0.106 0. ]]>,
# p=<CartesianVel3D (x[kpc / Myr], y[kpc / Myr], z[kpc / Myr])
# [[ 0. 0.225 0. ]
# ...
# [ 0.018 0.23 0. ]]>,
# t=Quantity['time'](Array([0., ..., 1000.], dtype=float64), unit='Myr')
# )
orbit_sph = orbit.vconvert(cx.vecs.LonLatSphericalPos)
# Orbit(
# q=<LonLatSphericalPos (lon[rad], lat[deg], distance[kpc])
# [[0.000e+00 3.858e-16 8.000e+00]
# ...
# [6.270e+00 3.858e-16 7.805e+00]]>,
# p=<LonLatSphericalVelocity (lon[rad / Myr], lat[deg / Myr], distance[kpc / Myr])
# [[ 0.028 0. 0. ]
# ...
# [ 0.03 0. 0.015]]>,
# t=Quantity['time'](Array([0., ..., 1000.], dtype=float64), unit='Myr')
# )
If you found this library to be useful in academic work, then please cite.
We welcome contributions!
See the AUTHORS.rst file for a complete list of contributors to the project.
The GalacticDynamics/galax
maintainers would like to thank
@Michael Anckaert for transferring the
project domain on PyPI
for use by this package. Without
his generosity this package would have had a worse name.