Unity3D Gamecredits inGame Payment Gateaway Api Plugin
Download and Import the GamecreditsSampleScene.unity file. The Easiest Way to Build, Deploy powered Gamecredits Games on Unity3d.
- Root Server
- 20 GB Space
- Some Energy Drinks
- php+apache Ready
- Gamecredits Core running and full sync with gamecredits.conf ../Assets/GameCoreWallets/Gamecredits-Wallet/gamecredits.conf
- Create a subfolder in your root www dir /codes/.
- Upload EasyGamecredits.php and QTCoreCalls.php to your codes subfolder on your Web Server from ../Assets/GameCoreWallets/UploadToWebServer.
Open GamecreditsSampleScene.unity file. https://github.com/GameUnity3D/gamecredits-unity3d/releases
Create a new Unity3D Project import assets.
Open GamecreditsSampleScene.unity
Navigate to Main Camera check inspector :
Change GameDemo Script :
$Payment Url = your web server url with the codes subfolder
$UserName = Gamecredits RPC UserName
$PassWord = Gamecredits RPC PassWord
$PaymentPort = Gamecredits RPC Port default 40001
Start GamecreditsPaymentsSampleScene if everythink works correctly you can pay inGame with Gamecredits Gaming Cryptocurrency.
Welcome to the future Be your own Gaming bank Without any 3rd party.
Happy Coding.