Designed to be a high performance gpu-driven rendering engine with dynamic applications in mind (such as games).
It's also my passion project for learning and experimenting with new graphics programming concepts.
- Fully "bindless" and GPU driven - Minimal CPU overhead
- Good performance for open worlds and indoor scenes
- Support for most desktop devices
- Indirect draw with compute shader draw call generation (vkCmdDrawInstancedIndirectCount)
- Compute shader frustum culling
- Compute shader LOD system
- Handle and Range based resource management
- Transforms based on
vec3, quat, vec3
instead ofmat4
to save memory and lower computation time - Per-frame Host to Device upload buffers designed to work well with frames in flight
- Compatible with all Vulkan 1.2 devices
- Simple parent<->children scene graph and scene management
- GLTF Import
Early tests of Two-Pass Occlusion Culling and LODs:
Exactly 16'000'000 (400 x 100 x 400) monkeys and spheres.
(Occlusion culling is removed for now since this particular implementationt brings huge benefits only for little meshes so I'll bring it back if I implement Mesh Shading and understand it more)