Find what services are streaming your favorite media around the world!
The site allows you to search for a certain show/movie and returns results for where its streaming in every single country.
The following is copied from a JustWatch employee's PR in another repo.
This is not the official JustWatch API. JustWatch doesn't offer an open API and doesn't plan to do this in the future.
The work of many developers went and is still going into the development and maintenance of the data and the API. JustWatch's main business is to operate a streaming guide with apps for iOS and Android. They offer the data for business intelligence and marketing. Therefore it is prohibited to use the API for commercial use (consumer service, data science, business intelligence, etc.). It is ok to use the API for private projects, but please be respectful with your API calls to not put too much load on the API. The API is not supported in any way and will change frequently without warning.
If you would like to work with JustWatch and use the data/API please get in contact with them via Currently, JustWatch can only work with bigger partners and clients. JustWatch is also hiring: and has some interesting open source projects:
Node.js, which includes npm, must be installed.
The site is built using React.
To contribute changes clone the repo locally.
Then in the project root folder run npm install
After the install has completed run npm start
to launch the live development environment.
The site will be live at http://localhost:3000/.
A local backend is required for full operation of the site.
See instrucitons on how to set that up at global-justwatch-api.