Manual evaluation dataset of CheckThat! Lab at CLEF 2024 Task 6: Robustness of Credibility Assessment with Adversarial Examples (InCrediblAE) to assess semantic similarities between adversarial samples and the original samples. Each sample pair is judged by at least two annotators, and a third annotator is invited if there is a conflict between the two annotators.
- This file
- InCrediblAE_Manual_Evaluation_Dataset.csv: Anonymised Manual Evaluation Dataset
- LICENSE: License file CC0 1.0 Universal
- adversarial_samples: adversarial samples submitted by task paticipants
- original_samples: original example from Fack-checking task (the data from the FEVER shared task
- annotator1_stance: semantic similarities stance from annotator 1 (0: Preserve the Meaning, 1: Change the Meaning, 2: No sense)
- annotator1_confidence: confidence from annotator 1 (5:very confidnt, 1:not condident)
- annotator2_stance: semantic similarities stance from annotator 2 (0: Preserve the Meaning, 1: Change the Meaning, 2: No sense)
- annotator2_confidence: confidence from annotator 2 (5:very confidnt, 1:not condident)
- annotator3_stance: semantic similarities stance from annotator 3 (0: Preserve the Meaning, 1: Change the Meaning, 2: No sense)
- annotator3_confidence: confidence from annotator 3 (5:very confidnt, 1:not condident)
- agreed_labels: Label based on the majority votes
- Preserve the Meaning (0): 318
- Change the Meaning (1): 246
- No sense (2): 116
- Cohen's Kappa = 0.5240984623870923
Przybyła, Piotr, Ben Wu, Alexander Shvets, Yida Mu, Kim Cheng Sheang, Xingyi Song, and Horacio Saggion. "Overview of the CLEF-2024 CheckThat! lab task 6 on robustness of credibility assessment with adversarial examples (incrediblae)." Working Notes of CLEF (2024).