This is a task just to understand some basic knowledge of laravel, react, database structure and your approach to a task.
- Make sure you're running PHP 8.1+
- Test uses Laravel 9
- Clone down the repository
- Copy the
file to.env
- Install the composer dependancies
- Install the frontend dependancies
- Feel free to use your own dev environment or use the one provided.
- It has Laravel Sail installed, to use this run
./vendor/bin/sail up -d
- This will create your containers
- Then you can run any commands in that container eg.
./vendor/bin/sail php artisan migrate
- It has Laravel Sail installed, to use this run
- Run any outstanding migrations
We have a mock API here:
This includes a list of menus
- I want you to create a command that stores this data into a menus table table
- Store unique cuisines from this list creating the relationship between the menu and cuisine
- Then I want you to create an API that lists the most 5 most popular menus in each cuisine
- Create a frontend view using React that then calls this API and displays these menus on the page
- Create filters so the user can select a cuisine and then this shows all menus within that cuisine ordered by the most popular
Don't spend more than a couple hours on this, it's not a race to complete.