I am a courier company. I have a ship which delivers container to "N" number of port in linear fashion. Ship can carry containers arranged in cuboid as shown in following image. Inline image 1 Capacity of the ship is 10 containers in the row, 5 in the column , 5 in the hight. When I started business, I filled my ship randomly. Because of that at first port, I had to shuffle containers and deliver the container which was at the bottom. This wasted money, time, labour. So I would like these containers to be arranged at starting point only, so there will be any reshuffling. Input will be number of port and number of containers to be delivered at each port. Output will be for given a port number what would be the location of the all containers to be delivered at that port.
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Clone repository using git clone https://github.com/Gauravwagh/3dship
Create virtual env and install requirements.
You are ready to go
creating port http://localhost:8001/api/ports/ports/
Containers List http://localhost:8000/api/ports/containers/
Authentication for API's is not there but if we need we can add.