This repository is a collection of guitar effects that are augmented by onset detection. These effects are part of my Bachelor's thesis research.
git clone
sudo make install
Import the VST or LV2 into your host of choice. Send audio through them and hear the result
Auto Sweller triggers an envelope generator for every onset detected. This envelope modulates the volume of the FX-loop. In the FX-loop can any effect be put.
- 1.) Send the instrument signal to input 1 (left channel).
- 2.) Send output 2 (right channel) to an effect of choice. Its output should be routed to input 2 (right) of the Auto Sweller effect. This creates a FX-loop.
- 3.) Output 1 (left) of the AutoSweller is the effect output and should be routed to the master.
Random Delay sets a new delay time for every note played. This note is chosen randomly, but the range of notes can be choosen. The delaytimes are note lenghts of the chosen bpm. So a halve note takes longer at 60bpm than at 140.
This repository makes use of aubio, which is licensed under GPLv3. Therefore, is OnsetEffects also licensed under GPLv3. OnsetEffects is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Use this software at your own risk. The author is not accountable for any damage this software may produce.