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Releases: Gelvey/Task-Master

Task-Master v0.1.5 | Tweaks & Added Executable!

21 Oct 01:56
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  • Few uninteresting tweaks.

  • Added .exe file! (no need for python to be installed anymore)

Task-Master v0.1.4 | More Fixes, Patches & Improvements

02 May 04:35
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  • Task Prioritisation is now stored in the cloud database, so that the prioritisation saves over sessions & devices.

  • Added support for editing existing tasks intuitively.

  • Added input validation.

  • Implemented error handling for database operations.

  • Improving the user interface and user experience (e.g., resizable window, better layout, etc.).

  • Refactoring the code to follow best practices (e.g., separating concerns, using functions/methods, etc.).

Task-Master v0.1.3 | More Fixes, Patches & Improvements

02 May 01:37
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User Authentication: The script now includes a login screen where users can enter their username. The username is stored in a configuration file (config.ini) and persisted across sessions.

Database Integration: Task data is now stored in a Firebase Realtime Database, ensuring data persistence across devices and sessions.

Logging: Application activity is logged to a file named task_manager.log for debugging and monitoring purposes.

Along with lot's of changes, organisation, formatting & bug fixes.