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Free animation tools for Autodesk Maya 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025.

Discover tools for creating locators, space switching, simulating secondary animation, setting up the center of mass, and more.

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How to use

How to install

First install:

  1. Extract files from ZIP archive
  2. Create folder "GETools" somewhere you prefer to keep scripts for Maya. For example: "C:/Users/Username/Documents/maya/scripts/GETools"
  3. Copy/Paste all files from GETools folder (usually it's 6+ files)
  4. Drag and drop into Maya's viewport
  5. Your folder should look like in this screenshot (the most important folder is "GETOOLS_SOURCE") image

Update to new version:

  1. Open your existing GETools folder and remove all files inside
  2. Copy/Paste new files into your empty GETools folder image

Known issues:

  • Overlappy module depends on framerate. Physics will behave different on 20/30/60/+ framerates.