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initiate rmd

initiate rmd #271

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GitHub Actions / Unit Tests Summary failed Dec 22, 2023 in 0s

2 errors, 78 pass in 42s

βŸβ€„βŸβ€„1 filesβ€„β€ƒβŸβ€„βŸβ€„8 suites   42s ⏱️
βŸβ€„80 testsβ€ƒβŸβ€„78 βœ”οΈβ€ƒ0 πŸ’€β€ƒ0 βŒβ€ƒ2 πŸ”₯
109 runs  107 βœ”οΈβ€ƒ0 πŸ’€β€ƒ0 βŒβ€ƒ2 πŸ”₯

Results for commit ea40d7b.


Check failure on line 0 in ocPostprob

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

the_PrFutility_increases_with_increase_futility_looks (ocPostprob) with error

phase1b.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Error in `ocPostprob(nnE = c(10, 20, 30), truep = 0.4, p0 = 0.2, p1 = 0.3,  ('test-ocPostprob.R:83:3')
Error in `ocPostprob(nnE = c(10, 20, 30), truep = 0.4, p0 = 0.2, p1 = 0.3, 
    tL = 0.6, tU = 0.8, parE = c(1, 1), sim = 10000, wiggle = FALSE, 
    randomdist = NULL, nnF = c(10, 20, 30))`: Assertion on 'randomdist' failed: Must be of type 'logical flag', not 'NULL'.
  1. +-testthat::expect_warning(...) at test-ocPostprob.R:83:3
  2. | \-testthat:::expect_condition_matching(...)
  3. |   \-testthat:::quasi_capture(...)
  4. |     +-testthat (local) .capture(...)
  5. |     | \-base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  6. |     \-rlang::eval_bare(quo_get_expr(.quo), quo_get_env(.quo))
  7. \-phase1b::ocPostprob(...)
  8.   \-checkmate::assert_flag(randomdist)
  9.     \-checkmate::makeAssertion(x, res,, add)
 10.       \-checkmate:::mstop(...)

Check failure on line 0 in ocPostprob

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

the_PrEfficacy_increases_with_increase_Efficacy_looks (ocPostprob) with error

phase1b.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Error in `ocPostprob(nnE = c(30), truep = 0.4, p0 = 0.2, p1 = 0.3, tL = 0.6,  ('test-ocPostprob.R:99:3')
Error in `ocPostprob(nnE = c(30), truep = 0.4, p0 = 0.2, p1 = 0.3, tL = 0.6, 
    tU = 0.8, parE = c(1, 1), sim = 10000, wiggle = FALSE, randomdist = NULL, 
    nnF = 30)`: Assertion on 'randomdist' failed: Must be of type 'logical flag', not 'NULL'.
  1. +-testthat::expect_warning(...) at test-ocPostprob.R:99:3
  2. | \-testthat:::expect_condition_matching(...)
  3. |   \-testthat:::quasi_capture(...)
  4. |     +-testthat (local) .capture(...)
  5. |     | \-base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  6. |     \-rlang::eval_bare(quo_get_expr(.quo), quo_get_env(.quo))
  7. \-phase1b::ocPostprob(...)
  8.   \-checkmate::assert_flag(randomdist)
  9.     \-checkmate::makeAssertion(x, res,, add)
 10.       \-checkmate:::mstop(...)