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MS Teams integration with Trend Micro Cloud One File Storage Security

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Post Scan Action - MS Teams Notification

After a scan occurs and a malicious file is detected, this example Lambda function sends out a notification to Microsoft Teams using Amazon Simple Notification Service.


  1. Install supporting tools

    Do one of the following:

  2. Configure Microsoft Teams Webhook Connector

    • Create a channel for the team.
    • Next to the team name click the ... button
    • Click Connectors
    • Search Incoming WebHook
    • Click Configure
    • Create a name for the Teams WebHook, ex 'TM-FSS'
    • Click Create
    • Copy the Webhook URL.

    Additional information

  3. Create an execution role for the Lambda function

    Using the AWS console
    1. Go to Services > IAM.
    2. In the left pane, click Roles.
    3. In the main pane, click the Create role button.
    4. Under Select type of trusted entity:
      • Select the AWS service box.
      • Click the Lambda service from the list.
      • Click Next: Permissions.
    5. In the search box:
      • Search for AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole.

      • Select its check box.

      • You now have two policies selected.

      • Click Next: Tags.

      • (Optional) Enter tags.

      • Click Next: Review.

    6. On the Review page:
      • In the Role name field, enter a name. Example: FSS_Lambda_Teams_Notification_Role.
      • Make sure that two policies are listed.
      • Click Create role.
    Using the AWS CLI
    1. Enter the following AWS CLI command to create the role:

      LAMBDA_TRUST="{ \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\", \"Statement\": [ { \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\", \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Principal\": { \"Service\": \"\" } } ] }"

      aws iam create-role --role-name <YOUR_FSS_LAMBDA_TEAMS_NOTIFICATION_ROLE> --assume-role-policy-document "${LAMBDA_TRUST}"

      where <YOUR_FSS_LAMBDA_TEAMS_NOTIFICATION_ROLE> is replaced with the name you want to give to the role. Example: FSS_Lambda_Teams_Notification_Role.

    2. Attach the AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole managed policy to the role:

      aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name FSS_Lambda_Teams_Notification_Role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole

Deploy the Lambda

You can deploy the Lambda-SNS integration using the following methods -

Using the AWS console
  1. Create function
    • Go to Services > Lambda.
    • Click the Create function button.
    • Select the Author from scratch box.
    • In the Function name field, enter a name. Example: FSS_Scan_Send_Teams_Notification.
    • From the Runtime drop-down list, select Python 3.8.
    • Under Permissions, expand Change default execution role.
    • Select Use an existing role.
    • In the drop-down list, select the execution role you created earlier. Example: FSS_Lambda_Teams_Notification_Role.
    • Click Create function and leave the page open.
  2. Add function code
    • Download the Lambda function file from GitHub.
    • On the AWS console page you left open, in the Function code section, remove the sample Lambda function code and paste the code from
    • Click Save and leave the page open.
  3. Add environment variables
    • Scroll to the Environment variables section.
    • Click Edit (on the right).
    • Click Add environment variable
      • In the Key field, enter TEAMS_URL
      • In the Value field, enter the incoming webhook URL that you created to receive the notification
    • Again, click Add environment variable
      • In the Key field, enter TEAMS_CHANNEL
      • In the Value field, enter the channel created to receive the notification
    • Click Save to save all three variables.
  4. Adjust timeout
    • Scroll to the Basic settings section.
    • Click Edit (on the right).
    • Set the Timeout to 30 sec.
    • Click Save to save settings.
Using the AWS CLI
  1. Download the Lambda function file from GitHub.

  2. In a shell program, create a deployment package:

    zip <YOUR_ZIP_NAME>.zip

    where <YOUR_ZIP_NAME> is replaced with the name you want to give your Lambda function. Example: fss-scan-send-teams-notification.

  3. Create the Lambda function, using backslashes (\) to separate the lines, as shown below:

    aws lambda create-function --function-name <YOUR_FSS_SCAN_SEND_TEAMS_NOTIFICATION> \
    --runtime python3.8 \
    --timeout 30 \
    --memory-size 512 \
    --handler handler.lambda_handler \
    --zip-file fileb://<YOUR_ZIP_NAME>.zip \
    --region <YOUR_REGION>
  • where:
    • <YOUR_FSS_SCAN_SEND_TEAMS_NOTIFICATION> is replaced with the name you want to give your Lambda function. Example: FSS_Scan_Send_Teams_Notification.
    • <YOUR_FSS_LAMBDA_TEAMS_NOTIFICATION_ROLE_ARN> is replaced with the ARN of the role you previously created for the Lambda function. You can find the ARN in the AWS console under Services > IAM > Roles > your role > Role ARN field (at the top). Example: arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/FSS_Lambda_Teams_Notification_Role.
    • <YOUR_ZIP_NAME> is replaced with the name of the ZIP file you created earlier. Example: fss-scan-send-teams-notification
    • <YOUR_REGION> is replaced by the region where the scanning bucket resides
    • <YOUR_TEAMS_URL> is replaced with the name of your incomming webhook MSTEAMS URL.
    • <YOUR_TEAMS_CHANNEL> is replaced with the name of your TEAMS channel created to receive notifications.

Subscribe the Lambda to the SNS topic

Using the AWS console
  1. Go to Services > Lambda.
  2. Search for the Lambda function you created previously. Example: FSS_Scan_Send_Teams_Notification
  3. Click the link to your Lambda function to view its details.
  4. Click Add trigger on the left.
  5. From the Trigger configuration list, select SNS.
  6. In the SNS topic field, enter the SNS topic ARN you found earlier.
  7. Click Add. Your Lambda is now subscribed to the SNS topic.
Using the AWS CLI
  1. Find the 'ScanResultTopic' SNS topic ARN

    • In the AWS console, go to Services > CloudFormation > your all-in-one stack > Resources > your storage stack > Resources.
    • Scroll down to locate the ScanResultTopic Logical ID.
    • Copy the ScanResultTopic ARN to a temporary location. Example: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:FileStorageSecurity-All-In-One-Stack-StorageStack-1IDPU1PZ2W5RN-ScanResultTopic-N8DD2JH1GRKF
  2. Find the Lambda function ARN

    📌 The Lamdba function ARN is required only if you plan to use the AWS CLI (as opposed to the console) to subscribe the Lambda to the SNS topic.

    • In the AWS console, go to Services > Lambda.

    • Search for the Lambda function you created previously. Example: FSS_Scan_Send_Teams_Notification

    • Click the Lambda function link.

    • On the top-left, locate the ARN.

    • Copy the ARN to a temporary location. Example: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:FSS_Scan_Send_Teams_Notification

    • Enter the following AWS CLI command to subscribe your Lamdba function to the SNS topic:

      aws sns subscribe --topic-arn <SNS_TOPIC_ARN> --protocol lambda --notification-endpoint <YOUR_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_ARN> --region <YOUR_REGION>


      • <SNS_TOPIC_ARN> is replaced with the SNS topic ARN you found earlier.
      • <YOUR_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_ARN> is replaced with the Lambda function ARN you found earlier.
      • <YOUR_REGION> is replaced by the region where the scanning bucket resides
    • Lastly, grant the SNS service permission to invoke your function.

      aws lambda add-permission --function-name <FUNCTION_NAME> --region <YOUR_REGION> --statement-id sns --action lambda:InvokeFunction --principal --source-arn <SNS_TOPIC_ARN>


      • <FUNCTION_NAME> is replaced by the name of the Lambda function you created previously. Example: FSS_Scan_Send_Teams_Notification
      • <YOUR_REGION> is replaced by the region where the scanning bucket resides
      • <SNS_TOPIC_ARN> is replaced with the SNS topic ARN you found earlier.

All-in-One AWS CloudFormation Template Deployment

The CloudFormation Template deploys the following resources in your AWS Account -

  • Lambda IAM Role
  • Lambda function
  • SNS Topic Subscription for the Lambda function
  • Lambda SNS Trigger
  • CloudWatch Log Group for the Lambda function

Required Input -

Parameter Type Description Default Value
LambdaIAMRoleName String Name of the new FSS Lambda IAM Role FSS_Lambda_Teams_Notification_Role
LambdaFunctionName String Name of the Lambda Function Name FSS_Scan_Send_Teams_Notification
MsTeamsWebHookUrl String URL of the MS Teams Webhook. If you don't have a webhook URL, use the documentation link to generate an "Incoming Webhook" link for the integration - Example: https://<domain-name>****57-9**d-4**0-a**1-82************3a-a**b-4**4-a**d-d6f******e4/IncomingWebhook/ed********************35e/ee******-f**4-4**a-b**5-0a********6d -
MsTeamsChannelName String Name of the MS Teams Channel you want to notify -
MsTeamsUsername String (Optional) Used only in Lambda Function tags for now. ""
FSSSnsTopicArn String In the AWS console, go to Services > CloudFormation > <Your-All-in-One-Stack-Name> > Resources > <Your-Storage-Stack-Name> > Resources. Scroll down to locate the ScanResultTopic Logical ID. Copy the ScanResultTopic ARN to a temporary location. Example: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:FileStorageSecurity-All-In-One-Stack-StorageStack-1IDPU1PZ2W5RN-ScanResultTopic-N8DD2JH1GRKF -


This repository is forked from

Thanks JustinDPerkins!


MS Teams integration with Trend Micro Cloud One File Storage Security







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