Design and simulate a simplified ARM single-cycle processor using SystemVerilog.
The main objective of this project is to design and simulate a simplified ARM single-cycle processor using SystemVerilog. Then you will load a test program and confirm that the system works. By the end of this assignment, you should thoroughly understand the internal operation of the ARM single-cycle processor. This version of the ARM single-cycle processor can execute the following instructions: ADD, SUB, AND, ORR, LDR, STR, and B. Our model of the single-cycle ARM processor divides the machine into two major units: the control and the datapath. Each unit is constructed from various functional blocks. For example, as shown in the figure on the last page of this lab, the datapath contains the 32-bit ALU that you designed previously, the register file, the sign extension logic, and five multiplexers to choose appropriate operands.
- ARM Single-Cycle Processor Look in The top-level module (named top) contains the arm processor (arm) and the data and instruction memories (dmem and imem). Now look at the processor module (called arm). It instantiates two sub-modules, controller and datapath. Now take a look at the controller module and its submodules. It contains two sub-modules: decode and condlogic. The decode module produces all but three control signals. The condlogic module produces those remaining three control signals that update architectural state (RegWrite, MemWrite) or determine the next PC (PCSrc). These three signals depend on the condition mnemonic from the instruction (Cond3:0) and the stored condition flags (Flags3:0) that are internal to the condlogic module. The condition flags produced by the ALU (ALUFlags3:0) are updated in the flags registers dependent on the S bit (FlagW1:0 schematic. You’ll notice that the alu module is not defined. Copy your ALU from Assignment #2 into the project. Be sure the module name matches the instance module name (alu), and make sure the inputs and outputs are in the same order as in they are expected in the datapath module. The instruction and data memories instantiated in the top module are each a 64-word × 32-bit array. The instruction memory needs to contain some initial values representing the program. The test program is given in Figure 7.60. Study the program until you understand what it does. The machine language code for the program is stored in memfile.dat.
- Testing the single-cycle ARM processor In a complex system, you need to know what the answer for various cases should be so that you can determine whether your design is working. Begin by predicting what should happen on each cycle when running the program. Complete the chart in Table 1 at the end of the lab with your predictions. What address will the final STR instruction write to and what value will it write? Simulate your processor with ModelSim. Be sure to add all of the .sv files, including the one containing your ALU. Add all of the signals from Table 1 to your waves window. (Note that many are not at the top level; you’ll have to drill down into the appropriate part of the hierarchy to find them.) Run the simulation. If all goes well, the testbench will print “Simulation succeeded.” Look at the waveforms and check that they match your predictions in Table 1. If they don’t, the problem is likely in your ALU or because you didn’t properly add all of the files. If you need to debug, you’ll likely want to view more internal signals. However, on the final waveform that you turn in, show ONLY the following signals in this order: clk, reset, PC, Instr, ALUResult, WriteData, MemWrite, and ReadData. All the values need to be output in hexadecimal and must be readable to get full credit. After you have fixed any bugs, print out your final waveform.
- Modifying the ARM single-cycle processor You now need to modify the ARM single-cycle processor by adding the RSB and STRB instructions. First, modify the ARM processor schematic/ALU at the end of this lab to show what changes are necessary. You can draw your changes directly onto the schematics. Then modify the main decoder and ALU decoder as required. Show your changes in the tables at the end of the lab. Finally, modify the SystemVerilog code as needed to include your modifications.
- Testing your modified ARM single-cycle processor Next, you’ll need a test program to verify that your modified processor works. The program should check that your new instructions work properly and that the old ones didn’t break. Use memfile2.asm below. ; memfile2.asm ; February 2018 MAIN SUB R0, R15, R15 ADD R2, R0, #5 ADD R3, R0, #12 Dr. Linda S. DeBrunner EEL 4713 Computer Architecture Spring 2018 SUB R7, R3, #9 ORR R4, R7, R2 AND R5, R3, R4 ADD R5, R5, R4 SUBS R8, R5, R7 BEQ END RSBS R8, R4, R3 BGE ARD ADD R5, R0, #0 ARD RSB R8, R2, R7 ADDLT R7, R5, #1 SUB R7, R7, R2 STR R7, [R3, #84] LDR R2, [R0, #96] ADD R15, R15, R0 ADD R2, R0, #14 B END ADD R2, R0, #13 ADD R2, R0, #10 END STRB R2, [R0, #100] Figure 1. ARM assembly program: memfile2.asm Convert the program to machine language and put it in a file named memfile2.dat. Modify imem (instruction memory) to load this file. Modify the testbench to check for the appropriate address and data value indicating that the simulation succeeded. Run the program and check your results. Debug if necessary. When you are done, print out the waveforms as before and indicate the address and data value written by the final STR instruction.