A web system to centralize all your investments and expenses in one place
Access InvestMe System
Video Apresentation
- Registration/Change/Removal of transactions (Investments/Expenditures)
- Dashboard with all stocks/FIIs/BDRs (Used BRAPI to get informations)
- Chart - Spents by type of transaction (Filtered by Year)
- Chart (Investments/Expenditures) - Spents by category (All screen filters)
- Chart (Investments/Expenditures) - Spents by payment (All screen filters)
- Filters in every page
- Categories
- Payment methods
- Login, Register and Forgot Password
- Register and New Password by email validation
- Languages (PT_BR/EN)
- Dark and Light Mode
- Option to show values (Cards/Tables)
- Show values on start up
- Java
- Jsf
- Primefaces
- Ejb's
- Postgresql
- Jpa
- Wildfly Server
- Api (BRAPI)