This project is an application that aims to make invoices easier to track. It includes functionalities such as creating, editing, retrieving, and deleting invoices.
To get started with the project, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine:
- Git for version control
- Spring Boot for the backend]
- MySQL for the database
- Define used tools and prepare the workspace
1- Provide a DB design
- Define functionalities flow and required web APIs
2- Implementation Process (backend):
- Setup workspace environment
- Create login and signup views
- Implement security measures such as JWT
- Implement paginated and sorted dashboard
- Implement main functionalities (add, edit, retrieve, delete invoices)
- Add Users Roles and Security checks for both backend and frontend
To install the necessary tools, please follow the instructions provided on the respective websites.
To run the application, you will need to first start the backend server using Spring Boot. Then, you can run the frontend using Angular Framework.
- Write clean code and follow the three-tier architecture to keep the project well-organized
- Check compatibility between the written code and document requirements
- Exception handling will be implemented during the coding process.