My Windows Terminal setup using Oh-My-Posh, PowerShellGet, PSReadLine, Terminal Icons and a custom Settings.json. Please be sure to to read the getting started guide as it will show what prerequisites you will need to have installed before for installing the custom theme as well as the accompanying settings.json file which is required for the theme to work right and for other features to work properly
- Copy, paste, find, and split pane commands
- PowerShell 7.4.2, and Command prompt settings (You can add more if you like)
- 3 color schemes included (Feel free to customize to what you like)
- You are greeted with either good morning, good afternoon based on time of day
- Navigation Shortcuts for access to user files such as documents, downloads, etc. (Can customize this via the Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 file)
- PSReadLine functions and more..