A Metro UI style UIAlertView replacement with 3D animations.
MKAlertView requires QuartzCore to be linked to the project, and has been tested to iOS 5+. MKAlertView also works best with the SourceSansPro typeset, and uses it by default. SourceSansPro is made by Adobe, is available freely and can be downloaded from here. http://sourceforge.net/projects/sourcesans.adobe/
MKAlertView can be instantiated with the following lines.
MKAlertView *al = [[MKAlertView alloc] initWithType:MKAlertViewTypeDialog title:@"TITLE TEXT" body:@"BODY TEXT" leftButton:@"dismiss" rightButton:@"confirm"];
al.delegate = self;
[al show];
The following delegate methods are available.
- (void)alertViewConfirmed:(MKAlertView *)alertView;
- (void)alertViewDismissed:(MKAlertView *)alertView;
- (void)alertViewConfirmed:(MKAlertView *)alertView withText:(NSString *)enteredText;
MetroKit (the classes MKButton and MKTextField) were originally written by Shawn Wall. MKAlertView is freely available, provided credits are made to "Glenn Forbes".