This Library provides the interface for a 1Mbit SRAM chip with ESP8266 through SPI connection. Microchip 23A1024/23LC1024 - download datasheet here
Application written by Giancarlo Bacchio
You can install SRam Library for your ESP8266 downloading the code that is hosted at
Selecting "Watch" box in the GitHub repository, you will be informed about the latest development updates of this library.
The downloaded code in *.zip format can be included as a new library into the IDE, selecting the menù:
Sketch / include Library / Add .Zip library
The Hardware connection is done using the standard HSPI interface of the ESP8266.
The chip is connected as per para 3.8 "SPI/SDI and SQI Pin designation" (see datasheet)
Power supply is 3,3Vcc.
Pin on RAM chip | functionality | Pin on ESP8266 |
pin1 | C/S | GPIO15 |
pin2 | MISO | GPIO12 |
pin3 | N/C | Gnd |
pin4 | Vss | Gnd |
pin5 | MOSI | GPIO13 |
pin6 | SCK | GPIO14 |
pin7 | HOLD | V+ |
pin8 | Vcc | V+ |
- ESP_spiram.ino : a basic example to understand how the library works. You can write and read a Byte in a given location of the SRAM
You may copy, distribute and modify the software provided that modifications are described and licensed for free under LGPL-3. Derivatives works (including modifications or anything statically linked to the library) can only be redistributed under LGPL-3, but applications that use the library don't have to be.