Version EAOB.7 (Early Access Open Beta)
-Fletcher should give feathers quest when asked about the barrel.
-There should be a (new) sea troll after receiving the quest for the sea troll gland.
-Quest about Dark Power in the Catacombs will now have solved quest entry after reporting to the abbot.
-Expired Mimic Powder renamed to "Empty". The empty bottle will be returned from the tanner and can be sold to the tower mage.
-added description how to reach the prison to journal entry and prison pass.
-Typo corrections.
-Spawning of messenger for slaver quest is patched to bs1000.bcs, too (instead of the scfript block being inside the file).
-Added globally unique LABEL to support Project Infinity.
-Updated install order syntax for PI.
-Corrected entries in cpmvars for "Beregost_House08".