Horizon is a Purpur fork with many useful optimizations, configurable vanilla features, and more API supports
- Fully compatible with Bukkit, Spigot and Paper plugins
- Mod Protocols support
- Linear region file format support (by LinearPaper)
- Secure Seed support
- Replay API support (by Leaves)
- Fakeplayer Support - Allows you to create bots for different tests
- and more in future
To build a paperclip jar, you need to run the following command. You can find the jar in build/libs(Note: JDK17 or JDK21 is needed)
./gradlew applyPatches && ./gradlew createReobfPaperclipJar
When you meet any problems, just ask us, we will do our best to solve it, but remember to state your problem clear and provide enough logs etc.
This readme will eventually contain instructions regarding the patch system. For now, visit Purpur's CONTRIBUTING.md.