FileIOUtility.cs is a simple script helps process file I/O in Unity. There is a Test_FileIOUtility sample scene showing how to use this script.
is a public static class so you can simply access it from any other scripts.
public static string GenerateFileName(string _prefix, int _index, FileExtension _extension)
generates a filename with your disired prefix string, index (useful for counting players in my case), file extension(currently I need only png and jpg) and system date time. For instance, calling GenerateFileName("MyPicture", 23, FileExtension.PNG)
returns "MyPicture_00012_03-28_21-02-30.png".
public static void SaveImage(Texture2D _texture, string _path, string _fileName, FileExtension _extension)
saves a Texture2D with specified filename and extension to a path.
public static bool DoesPathExist(string _path)
checks if a path exists.
public static bool IsFileLocked(string _filePath)
checks if a file is locked. (The file may be unavailable because it is still be written to, or being processed by another thread, or does not exist. This is from nikunjM's answer on Stack Overflow)
This project use Git submodule gm_FileIOUtility. You need to call
git clone --recurse-submodules <URL>
when you clone this reposiory.