Confocal Microscope App
- Python 3.6.8
- scopefoundry
- numpy
- pyqt
- qtpy
- h5py
- pyqtgraph
- pillow
- pyserial
- customplotting
- python seabreeze
- pipython (contact manufacturer to get software)
- OceanOptics Spectrum Measurement
- Plot spectrometer readout over specified integration time
- Save single spectrum
- Continuously save spectrum
- OceanOptics PI Piezo Stage Scan
- Piezo Stage raster scan taking OceanOptics spectrum at each point
- XY or YX scans
- Reverse scans
- Live update of intensity sums
- Live spectrometer readout
- Click and export absolute positions
- Move Piezo Stage to a clicked point
- Export intensities image
- Export intensities array
- Automatically saves scan data in .pkl file
- PicoHarp Countrate Measurement
- Measure PicoHarp countrate continuously or over specified integration time
- Export countrate data
- PicoHarp Histogram Measurement
- Measure PicoHarp histogram continuously or over specified integration time
- Export histogram data
- PicoHarp PI Piezo Stage Scan
- Piezo Stage raster scan taking PicoHarp histogram at each point
- XY or YX scans
- Reverse scans
- Live update of intensity sums
- Live histogram reading
- Click and export absolute positions
- Move Piezo Stage to a clicked point
- Export intensities image
- Export intensities array
- Automatically saves data in .pkl file
- PI Piezo Stage Independent Movement
- Load file containing absolute positions, produced by stage scan selections or manually formatted
- Move Piezo Stage to each successive point, pausing for the specified sleep time
- PI Piezo Stage Control
- Simple interface for relative stage movements up, down, left, and right
- Specify step size for relative movement
- Particle Selection
- Load camera image and select magnification
- Assuming stage is centered on the starting point:
- Select start point and second point, and move stage to second point
- Click particles on image and export relative positions
- Particle Spectra Measurement
- Load relative positions of particles from Particle selection
- Take a spectrum at each particle
- Automatically saves each spectrum
- Stepper Motor Control
- Simple interface for relative stepper motor movements up, down, left, and right
- Specify step size for relative movement
- PicoHarp Avalanche Photodiode Scan
- APD raster scan taking PicoHarp histogram at each point
- XY or YX scans
- Reverse scans
- Live update of intensity sums
- Live histogram reading
- Export intensities image
- Export intensities array
- Automatically saves data in .pkl file
conda install numpy pyqt qtpy h5py pyqtgraph
conda install -c poehlmann python-seabreeze
pip install git+git://
pip install pillow pyserial customplotting==0.1.4.dev0
After setup, you can run the application by double-clicking You can also run it from command-line: