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Massive update. v0.2.
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GinjaNinja32 committed Jun 30, 2015
1 parent 8ab244b commit 7d038e6
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Showing 23 changed files with 759 additions and 200 deletions.
140 changes: 90 additions & 50 deletions bot.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@


-record(config, {nick, prefix, permissions, ignore, user, mode, real, channels, on_join, modules}).
-record(config, {nick, prefix, permissions, ignore, user, mode, real, channels, on_join, modules, pass}).

waitfor(Ident) ->
case whereis(Ident) of
Expand All @@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ init() ->
{ok, [Perms]} -> Perms;
_ -> orddict:new()
BaseConfig = #config{nick="Bot32", prefix=$!, permissions=BasePerms, user="Bot32", mode="0", real="Bot32", channels=sets:new(), ignore=sets:new(), on_join=[], modules=[z_basic]},
BaseConfig = #config{nick="Bot32", prefix=$!, permissions=BasePerms, user="Bot32", mode="0", real="Bot32", channels=sets:new(), ignore=sets:new(), on_join=[], modules=[z_basic], pass=none},
case file:consult("bot_config.crl") of
{error, Reason} ->
common:debug("BOT", "Failed to load config file: ~p.", [Reason]),
logging:log(error, "BOT", "Failed to load config file: ~p.", [Reason]),
UseConfig = BaseConfig;
{ok, Terms} ->
UseConfig = lists:foldl(fun(Option, Config=#config{permissions=Perms, on_join=OJ, channels=C, ignore=I, modules=M}) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,16 +58,21 @@ init() ->
{module, Mod} when is_atom(Mod) -> Config#config{modules = [Mod | M]};
{modules, Mods} when is_list(Mods) -> Config#config{modules=lists:foldl(
fun (Mod, MX) when is_atom(Mod) -> [Mod|MX];
(Mod, _) -> common:debug("BOT", "Non-atomic module ~p specified!", [Mod])
(Mod, _) -> logging:log(error, "BOT", "Non-atomic module ~p specified!", [Mod])
end, M, Mods)};

{pass, Password} when Password == none orelse is_list(Password) -> Config#config{pass=Password};
{on_join, Cmd} when is_tuple(Cmd) -> Config#config{on_join = [Cmd | OJ]};

T -> common:debug("BOT", "Failed to parse config line ~p!", [T]), Config
T -> logging:log(error, "BOT", "Failed to parse config line ~p!", [T]), Config
end, BaseConfig, Terms)
waitfor(core), % wait for core to startup
UseConfig#config.pass /= none -> core ! {irc, {pass, UseConfig#config.pass}};
true -> ok
core ! {irc, {user, {UseConfig#config.user, UseConfig#config.mode, UseConfig#config.real}}},
core ! {irc, {nick, UseConfig#config.nick}},
Expand All @@ -76,7 +81,7 @@ init() ->
end, UseConfig#config.on_join),
timer:sleep(50), % wait for server auth
lists:foreach(fun(T) -> core ! {irc, {join, T}} end, sets:to_list(UseConfig#config.channels)),
common:debug("BOT", "starting"),
logging:log(info, "BOT", "starting"),
State = load_modules(UseConfig#config.modules,
nick = UseConfig#config.nick,
Expand All @@ -90,67 +95,67 @@ init() ->
case loop(State) of
FinalState=#state{} ->
X = file:write_file("permissions.crl", io_lib:format("~p.~n", [FinalState#state.permissions])),
common:debug("BOT", "permissions save: ~p", [X]),
logging:log(info, "BOT", "permissions save: ~p", [X]),
lists:foreach(fun(Module) ->
apply(Module, deinitialise, [FinalState])
end, sets:to_list(FinalState#state.modules)),
common:debug("BOT", "quitting");
T -> common:debug("BOT", "quitting under condition ~p", [T])
logging:log(info, "BOT", "quitting");
T -> logging:log(info, "BOT", "quitting under condition ~p", [T])

reinit(State) ->
register(bot, self()),
common:debug("BOT", "starting"),
logging:log(info, "BOT", "starting"),
case loop(State) of
FinalState=#state{} ->
lists:foreach(fun(Module) ->
apply(Module, deinitialise, [FinalState])
end, sets:to_list(FinalState#state.modules)),
common:debug("BOT", "quitting");
T -> common:debug("BOT", "quitting under condition ~p", [T])
logging:log(info, "BOT", "quitting");
T -> logging:log(info, "BOT", "quitting under condition ~p", [T])

notify_error(msg, {#user{nick=N}, MyNick, _}, #state{nick=MyNick}) -> {irc, {msg, {N, "Error!"}}};
notify_error(msg, {#user{nick=N}, Channel, _}, _) -> {irc, {msg, {Channel, [N, ": Error!"]}}};
notify_error(X, Y, _) -> common:debug("BOT", "~p : ~p", [X,Y]).
notify_error(X, Y, _) -> logging:log(error, "BOT", "~p : ~p", [X,Y]).

loop(State = #state{}) ->
case receive
{irc, {Type, Params}} ->
handle_irc(Type, Params, State)
throw:T -> common:debug("BOT", "handle_irc threw ~p, continuing", [T]), notify_error(Type, Params, State);
error:T -> common:debug("BOT", "handle_irc errored ~p, continuing", [T]), notify_error(Type, Params, State);
exit:T -> common:debug("BOT", "handle_irc exited ~p, continuing", [T]), notify_error(Type, Params, State)
throw:T -> logging:log(error, "BOT", "handle_irc threw ~p, continuing", [T]), notify_error(Type, Params, State);
error:T -> logging:log(error, "BOT", "handle_irc errored ~p, continuing", [T]), notify_error(Type, Params, State);
exit:T -> logging:log(error, "BOT", "handle_irc exited ~p, continuing", [T]), notify_error(Type, Params, State)
T when is_atom(T) -> T;
{T, K} when is_atom(T) -> {T, K};
T -> common:debug("BOT", "unknown receive ~p, continuing", [T])
T -> logging:log(error, "BOT", "unknown receive ~p, continuing", [T])
end of
{multi, List} -> lists:foreach(fun(T) -> core ! T end, List), loop(State);
{irc, What} -> core ! {irc,What}, loop(State);
{multi, List} -> lists:foreach(fun(T) -> core ! T end, List), bot:loop(State);
{irc, What} -> core ! {irc,What}, bot:loop(State);
quit -> State;
error -> error;
ok -> loop(State);
{state, S = #state{}} -> loop(S);
{setkey, {Key, Val}} -> loop(State#state{moduledata = orddict:store(Key, Val, State#state.moduledata)});
ok -> bot:loop(State);
{state, S = #state{}} -> bot:loop(S);
{setkey, {Key, Val}} -> bot:loop(State#state{moduledata = orddict:store(Key, Val, State#state.moduledata)});
update -> spawn(common,purge_call,[bot,reinit, State]), ok;
S -> common:debug("BOT", "unknown code ~p, continuing", [S]), loop(State)
S -> logging:log(error, "BOT", "unknown code ~p, continuing", [S]), bot:loop(State)

message_admins(Category, Msg, Admins) ->
common:debug("ADMIN", [Category, ": ", Msg]),
logging:log(info, "ADMIN", [Category, ": ", Msg]),
lists:foreach(fun(T) ->
core ! {irc, {msg, {T, [Category, ": ", Msg]}}}
end, sets:to_list(Admins)),

message_all_rank(Category, Msg, Rank, Permissions) ->
common:debug(Rank, "~s: ~s", [Category, Msg]),
logging:log(info, Rank, "~s: ~s", [Category, Msg]),
lists:foreach(fun({N,_U,_H}) ->
core ! {irc, {msg, {N, [Category, ": ", Msg]}}}
end, orddict:fetch_keys(orddict:filter(fun(_,V) -> V == Rank end, Permissions))).
end, orddict:fetch_keys(orddict:filter(fun(_,V) -> lists:member(Rank,V) end, Permissions))).

is_ignored(#user{nick=N}, Ignored) ->
sets:is_element(string:to_lower(N), Ignored).
Expand All @@ -168,6 +173,27 @@ hasperm(#user{nick=N,username=U,host=H}, Perm, Permissions) ->
error -> false

parse_command([],_,_) -> notcommand;
parse_command(Params, Prefix, BotAliases) when is_list(Prefix) ->
case lists:member(hd(hd(Params)), Prefix) of
true -> {tl(hd(Params)), tl(Params)};
false -> parse_command(Params, none, BotAliases)
parse_command(Params, Prefix, BotAliases) ->
case hd(Params) of
[Prefix | Command] -> {Command, tl(Params)};
X when length(Params) > 1 ->
case lists:any(fun(Alias) -> lists:prefix(string:to_lower(Alias), string:to_lower(X)) end, BotAliases) of
true -> case tl(Params) of
[] -> {[], []};
_ -> {hd(tl(Params)), tl(tl(Params))}
false -> notcommand
_ -> notcommand

handle_irc(msg, {User=#user{nick=Nick}, Channel, Tokens}, State=#state{nick=MyNick, prefix=Prefix, permissions=Permissions, ignore=Ignored, modules=M}) ->
case sets:is_element(z_seen, M) of
true -> if
Expand All @@ -185,37 +211,51 @@ handle_irc(msg, {User=#user{nick=Nick}, Channel, Tokens}, State=#state{nick=MyNi
ReplyPing = "",
case hasperm(User, admin, Permissions) of
true -> ok;
_ -> message_all_rank(["Query from ",Nick], string:join(Tokens, " "), admin, Permissions)
_ -> message_all_rank(["Query from ",Nick], string:join(Tokens, " "), pmlog, Permissions)
_ ->
ReplyChannel = Channel,
ReplyPing = Nick ++ ": "
case hd(Tokens) of
[Prefix | Command] ->
case parse_command(Tokens, Prefix, [MyNick]) of
{Command, Arguments} ->
logging:log(info, "BOT", "Command in ~s from ~s: ~s ~s", [Channel, User#user.nick, Command, string:join(Arguments, " ")]),
Rank = rankof(User, Permissions),
case hasperm(User, host, Permissions) of
true -> handle_host_command(Rank, Nick, ReplyChannel, ReplyPing, Command, tl(Tokens), State);
false -> handle_command(Rank, Nick, ReplyChannel, ReplyPing, Command, tl(Tokens), State)
true -> handle_host_command(Rank, Nick, ReplyChannel, ReplyPing, Command, Arguments, State);
false -> handle_command(Rank, Nick, ReplyChannel, ReplyPing, Command, Arguments, State)
X ->
case lists:prefix(string:to_lower(MyNick), string:to_lower(X)) of
true ->
Rank = rankof(User, Permissions),
case hasperm(User, host, Permissions) of
true -> handle_host_command(Rank, Nick, ReplyChannel, ReplyPing, hd(tl(Tokens)), tl(tl(Tokens)), State);
false -> handle_command(Rank, Nick, ReplyChannel, ReplyPing, hd(tl(Tokens)), tl(tl(Tokens)), State)
false -> ok
notcommand ->
case lists:dropwhile(fun(X) -> re:run(X, "^https?://.*$", [{capture, none}]) /= match end, Tokens) of
_ -> ok; % Temporary until oldNT is gone
[URL|_] ->
os:putenv("url", URL),
{irc, {msg, {ReplyChannel, [ReplyPing, os:cmd("/home/bot32/ $url")]}}}
case lists:dropwhile(fun(X) -> re:run(X, "^(\[[1-9][0-9]+\]|#[1-9][0-9]+)$", [{capture, none}]) /= match end, Tokens) of
[] -> ok;
[PRNum|_] ->
case PRNum of
[$# | Num] -> GH_NUM = Num;
[$[ | Num] -> GH_NUM = lists:reverse(tl(lists:reverse(Num)))
os:putenv("url", ["", GH_NUM]),
URLTitle = string:strip(re:replace(os:cmd("/home/bot32/ $url"), "([^·]*·[^·]*) · .*", "\\1", [{return, list}])),
case re:run(URLTitle, "Issue #[0-9]+$", [{capture, none}]) of
match -> ShowURL = ["", GH_NUM];
nomatch -> ShowURL = ["", GH_NUM]
{irc, {msg, {ReplyChannel, [ReplyPing, ShowURL, " - ", URLTitle]}}}


handle_irc(ctcp, {Type, #user{nick=Nick}, _Message}, _State) ->
case Type of
version -> {irc, {ctcp_re, {version, Nick, ?VERSION}}};
action -> ok;
_ -> common:debug("BOT", "Unknown CTCP message ~p, continuing", [Type])
_ -> logging:log(error, "BOT", "Unknown CTCP message ~p, continuing", [Type])

handle_irc(nick, {#user{nick=MyNick}, NewNick}, State=#state{nick=MyNick}) -> {state, State#state{nick=NewNick}};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,14 +307,14 @@ handle_irc(quit, {#user{nick=N}, Reason}, S=#state{modules=M}) ->

handle_irc(mode, _, _) -> ok;
handle_irc(numeric, {{rpl,away},_}, _) -> ok;
handle_irc(numeric, {{A,B},Params}, _) -> common:debug("BOT", "Numeric received: ~p_~p ~s", [A,B,string:join(Params," ")]);
handle_irc(numeric, {{A,B},Params}, _) -> logging:log(info, "BOT", "Numeric received: ~p_~p ~s", [A,B,string:join(Params," ")]);

handle_irc(Type, Params, _State) -> common:debug("BOT", "unknown irctype ~p <<<~p>>>, continuing", [Type, Params]).
handle_irc(Type, Params, _State) -> logging:log(error, "BOT", "unknown irctype ~p <<<~p>>>, continuing", [Type, Params]).

handle_host_command(Rank, Origin, ReplyTo, Ping, Cmd, Params, State=#state{}) ->
case string:to_lower(Cmd) of
"update" -> update;
"help" -> core ! {irc, {msg, {ReplyTo, ["builtin host commands: update, reload_all, drop_all, load_mod, drop_mod, reload_mod"]}}},
"help" -> core ! {irc, {msg, {Origin, ["builtin host commands: update, reload_all, drop_all, load_mod, drop_mod, reload_mod"]}}},
handle_command(Rank, Origin, ReplyTo, Ping, Cmd, Params, State);

"reload_all" ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -334,7 +374,7 @@ handle_command(Ranks, Origin, ReplyTo, Ping, Cmd, Params, State=#state{commands=
error -> orddict:new()
case string:to_lower(Cmd) of
"help" -> core ! {irc, {msg, {ReplyTo, [io_lib:format("~s commands: ",[Rank]), string:join(orddict:fetch_keys(RankCmds), ", "), "."]}}}, unhandled;
"help" -> core ! {irc, {msg, {Origin, [io_lib:format("~s commands: ",[Rank]), string:join(orddict:fetch_keys(RankCmds), ", "), "."]}}}, unhandled;

T -> case orddict:find(T, RankCmds) of
{ok, {_,Result}} -> apply(Result, [Origin, ReplyTo, Ping, Params, State]);
Expand All @@ -355,7 +395,7 @@ handle_command(Ranks, Origin, ReplyTo, Ping, Cmd, Params, State=#state{commands=
load_modules(Modules, State) -> lists:foldl(fun load_module/2, State, Modules).

load_module(Module, State) ->
common:debug("MODULE", "loading ~p", [Module]),
logging:log(info, "MODULE", "loading ~p", [Module]),

% Load commands
NewCmds = lists:foldl(
Expand All @@ -379,7 +419,7 @@ load_module(Module, State) ->
unload_modules(Modules, State) -> lists:foldl(fun unload_module/2, State, Modules).

unload_module(Module, State) ->
common:debug("MODULE", "unloading ~p", [Module]),
logging:log(info, "MODULE", "unloading ~p", [Module]),

% Remove commands
Cleaned = orddict:map(fun(_,RankCmds) ->
Expand All @@ -406,7 +446,7 @@ recompile_module(Module, State) ->
load_module(Module, Sa)
throw:X -> common:debug("MODULE", "Recompile of ~p threw ~p", [Module, X]), State;
error:X -> common:debug("MODULE", "Recompile of ~p errored ~p", [Module, X]), State;
exit:X -> common:debug("MODULE", "Recompile of ~p exited ~p", [Module, X]), State
throw:X -> logging:log(error, "MODULE", "Recompile of ~p threw ~p", [Module, X]), State;
error:X -> logging:log(error, "MODULE", "Recompile of ~p errored ~p", [Module, X]), State;
exit:X -> logging:log(error, "MODULE", "Recompile of ~p exited ~p", [Module, X]), State
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions byond.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
-export([send/3, params2dict/1, dict2params/1, vencode/1, vdecode/1]).

send(Addr, Port, Msg) ->
case gen_tcp:connect(Addr, Port, [binary, {packet, raw}, {active, false}], 30 * 1000) of
case gen_tcp:connect(Addr, Port, [binary, {packet, raw}, {active, false}, {send_timeout, 10 * 1000}], 30 * 1000) of
{ok, Sock} ->
case gen_tcp:send(Sock, encode(Msg)) of
ok ->
case recv(Sock) of
{ok, V} -> parse(V);
T -> {error, T}
{error, T} -> {error, T}
T -> {error, T}
{error, T} -> {error, T}
T -> {error, T}
{error, T} -> {error, T}

encode(Msg) ->
Expand All @@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ encode(Msg) ->
[0, 131, A, B, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Msg, 0].

recv(Sock) ->
case {ok, <<_:16, Len:16, _:8>>} = gen_tcp:recv(Sock, 5) of
case gen_tcp:recv(Sock, 5, 10 * 1000) of
{ok, <<_:16, Len:16, _:8>>} ->
case gen_tcp:recv(Sock, Len-1) of
case gen_tcp:recv(Sock, Len-1, 10 * 1000) of
{ok, S} -> {ok, lists:reverse(tl(lists:reverse(erlang:binary_to_list(S))))};
T -> {error, T}
{error, T} -> {error, T}
T -> {error, T}
{error, T} -> {error, T}

parse(Str) ->
Expand All @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ params2dict(Params) ->
case string:tokens(T, "=") of
[K, V] -> orddict:store(vdecode(K), vdecode(V), Dict);
[K] -> orddict:store(vdecode(K), none, Dict);
X -> common:debug("BYOND", "params2list() encountered '~s', splitting to ~p", [T,X]), Dict
X -> logging:log(error, "BYOND", "params2list() encountered '~s', splitting to ~p", [T,X]), Dict
end, orddict:new(), string:tokens(Params, "&;")).

Expand Down

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