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Algorithm reviewed, should be working now
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- Add initial support for GMRender
- Using dictionary for service variables
- More linear implementation hopefully
  • Loading branch information
GioF71 committed Dec 19, 2024
1 parent de00b07 commit 2b8255d
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Showing 6 changed files with 102 additions and 66 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ Start the container with the following:

2024-12-19|Algorithm reviewed, should be working now
2024-12-18|Now playing is executed when appropriate only
2024-12-18|Code refactored
2024-12-11|Log host ip
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions upnp_scrobbler/
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Expand Up @@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ class EventName(Enum):
CURRENT_PLAY_MODE = "CurrentPlayMode"
CURRENT_TRACK_META_DATA = "CurrentTrackMetaData"
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions upnp_scrobbler/
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

class PlayerState(Enum):
Expand All @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class PlayerState(Enum):
def get_player_state(transport_state: str) -> PlayerState:
for _, member in PlayerState.__members__.items():
if transport_state == member.value:
print(f"get_player_state {transport_state} -> {member.value}")
# print(f"get_player_state {transport_state} -> {member.value}")
return member
print(f"get_player_state state for {transport_state} not found")
return PlayerState.UNKNOWN
147 changes: 85 additions & 62 deletions upnp_scrobbler/
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Expand Up @@ -37,13 +37,13 @@

item_path: list[str] = ["DIDL-Lite", "item"]

g_previous_song: Song = None
g_current_song: Song = None
last_scrobbled: Song = None

g_items: dict = {}

g_event_handler = None
g_playing = False
g_player_state: PlayerState = PlayerState.UNKNOWN

Expand All @@ -56,11 +56,6 @@ async def create_device(description_url: str) -> UpnpDevice:
return await factory.async_create_device(description_url)

# def get_timestamp() -> Union[str, float]:
# """Timestamp depending on configuration."""
# return time.time()

def service_from_device(
device: UpnpDevice,
service_name: str) -> Optional[UpnpService]:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,7 +157,7 @@ def get_first_artist(artist: str) -> str:
return artist_list[0] if artist_list and len(artist_list) > 0 else None

def metadata_to_new_current_song(items: dict[str, any]) -> Song:
def metadata_to_new_current_song(items: dict[str, any], track_uri: str) -> Song:
current_song: Song = Song()
current_song.title = items[key_title] if key_title in items else None
current_song.subtitle = items[key_subtitle] if key_subtitle in items else None
Expand All @@ -172,6 +167,7 @@ def metadata_to_new_current_song(items: dict[str, any]) -> Song:
if key_duration[0] in items and key_duration[1] in items[key_duration[0]]
else None)
if duration_str: current_song.duration = duration_str_to_sec(duration_str)
current_song.track_uri = track_uri
return current_song

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,66 +199,28 @@ def get_items(event_name: str, event_value: any) -> any:
return p_items

def on_metadata(event_name: str, event_value: str):
global g_playing
global g_player_state
global g_items
global g_current_song
# Grab and (maybe) print the metadata
g_items = get_items(event_name, event_value)
# create a new Song instance from metadata
current_song: Song = metadata_to_new_current_song(g_items)
if g_current_song:
# we want to scrobble if the song has changed
song_changed: bool = not same_song(current_song, g_current_song)
print(f"Event [{event_name}] Song changed = [{song_changed}]")
if song_changed:
print(f"Event [{event_name}] -> We want to scrobble because the song changed: "
f"was [{g_current_song.title}] "
f"now [{current_song.title}]")
# we can reset g_current_song!
g_current_song = None
if (not g_current_song or not same_song(current_song, g_current_song)):
print(f"[{event_name}] => Setting current_song with "
f"[{current_song.title}] from [{current_song.album}] "
f"by [{current_song.artist}]")
g_current_song = current_song
# update now playing anyway (even if there is no duration)
if g_playing:
def get_player_state_from_service_variables(sv_dict: dict[str, any]) -> PlayerState:
if EventName.TRANSPORT_STATE.value in sv_dict:
return get_player_state(sv_dict[EventName.TRANSPORT_STATE.value])
return None

def on_transport_state(event_value: str):
global g_playing
global g_player_state
global g_current_song
print(f"Event [{EventName.TRANSPORT_STATE.value}] = [{event_value}]")
new_player_state: PlayerState = get_player_state(event_value)
if event_value == PlayerState.PLAYING.value:
g_playing = True
g_player_state = new_player_state
if g_current_song:
g_playing = False
was_playing: bool = (g_player_state and g_player_state == PlayerState.PLAYING)
g_player_state = new_player_state
if event_value == PlayerState.STOPPED.value and was_playing and g_current_song:
print(f"Scrobbling because: [{event_value}]")
# we can reset g_current_song!
g_current_song = None
def service_variables_by_name(service_variables: Sequence[UpnpStateVariable]) -> dict[str, UpnpStateVariable]:
result: dict[str, UpnpStateVariable] = dict()
for sv in service_variables:
result[] = sv.value
return result

def on_event(
service: UpnpService,
service_variables: Sequence[UpnpStateVariable]) -> None:
"""Handle a UPnP event."""
global g_playing
global g_player_state
global g_items
global g_current_song
global g_previous_song
# special handling for DLNA LastChange state variable
if config.get_dump_upnp_data():
print(f"on_event: service_variables=[{service_variables}]")
Expand All @@ -271,12 +229,75 @@ def on_event(
last_change = service_variables[0]
for sv in service_variables:
# print(f"on_event:[{}]")
if == EventName.TRANSPORT_STATE.value:
elif ( in [EventName.CURRENT_TRACK_META_DATA.value, EventName.AV_TRANSPORT_URI_META_DATA.value]):
on_metadata(, sv.value)
sv_dict: dict[str, any] = service_variables_by_name(service_variables)
# must have transport state
previous_player_state: PlayerState = g_player_state
current_player_state: PlayerState = get_player_state_from_service_variables(sv_dict)
# current_player_state: PlayerState = g_player_state
if current_player_state:
g_player_state = current_player_state
print(f"No new player state available, assuming unchanged [{g_player_state.value}]")
print(f"Player state [{previous_player_state.value if previous_player_state else ''}] -> "
f"[{g_player_state.value if g_player_state else ''}]")
# get current track uri
track_uri: str = (sv_dict[EventName.CURRENT_TRACK_URI.value]
if EventName.CURRENT_TRACK_URI.value in sv_dict else None)
if track_uri:
print(f"Track URI = [{track_uri}]")
has_current_track_meta_data: bool = EventName.CURRENT_TRACK_META_DATA.value in sv_dict
has_av_transport_uri_meta_data: bool = EventName.AV_TRANSPORT_URI_META_DATA.value in sv_dict
# get metadata
metadata_key: str = None
print(f"Metadata available: [{metadata_key is not None}]")
if has_current_track_meta_data:
metadata_key = EventName.CURRENT_TRACK_META_DATA.value
elif has_av_transport_uri_meta_data:
metadata_key = EventName.AV_TRANSPORT_URI_META_DATA.value
from_metadata: Song = None
if metadata_key:
g_items = get_items(metadata_key, sv_dict[metadata_key])
from_metadata = metadata_to_new_current_song(g_items, track_uri)
empty_g_current_song: bool = g_current_song is None
if empty_g_current_song or not same_song(g_current_song, from_metadata):
print(f"Setting g_current_song to [{from_metadata.title}] "
f"by [{from_metadata.artist}] "
f"from [{from_metadata.album}]...")
g_previous_song = g_current_song if g_current_song else None
g_current_song = from_metadata
print("Not updating g_current_song")
if PlayerState.PLAYING.value == g_player_state.value:
print(f"Player state is [{g_player_state.value}] previous [{previous_player_state.value}] "
f"metadata_key [{metadata_key}] "
f"g_current_song [{g_current_song is not None}] "
f"update Now Playing if enabled [{config.get_enable_now_playing()}]...")
if metadata_key:
# song changed
song_changed: bool = g_previous_song is None or not same_song(from_metadata, g_previous_song)
print(f"song changed: [{song_changed}] "
f"g_previous_song: [{g_previous_song is not None}]")
if g_previous_song:
g_current_song = None
# we update the now playing
if from_metadata:
elif PlayerState.PAUSED_PLAYBACK.value == g_player_state.value:
print(f"Player state is [{g_player_state.value}]")
elif PlayerState.TRANSITIONING.value == g_player_state.value:
print(f"Player state is [{g_player_state.value}]")
elif PlayerState.STOPPED.value == g_player_state.value:
print(f"Player state is [{g_player_state.value}] previous [{previous_player_state.value}] "
f"g_previous_song [{g_previous_song is not None}]")
# we need to scrobble!
if g_current_song:
# reset g_previous_song anyway
g_previous_song = None
# reset g_current_song anyway
g_current_song = None

async def subscribe(description_url: str, service_names: any) -> None:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -362,6 +383,8 @@ def get_ip():
def main() -> None:
host_ip: str = get_ip()
print(f"Running on [{host_ip}]")
print(f"Now Playing enabled: [{config.get_enable_now_playing()}]")
print(f"Dump UPnP Data: [{config.get_dump_upnp_data()}]")
"""Set up async loop and run the main program."""
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
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13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion upnp_scrobbler/
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Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ def __init__(self):
self._artist: str = None
self._album: str = None
self._duration: float = None
self._track_uri: str = None

def playback_start(self) -> float:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,13 +61,22 @@ def duration(self) -> float:
def duration(self, value: float):
self._duration: str = value

def track_uri(self) -> str:
return self._track_uri

def track_uri(self, value: str):
self._track_uri = value

def same_song(left: Song, right: Song) -> bool:
return (left.album == right.album and
left.artist == right.artist and
left.duration == right.duration and
left.subtitle == right.subtitle and
left.title == right.title)
left.title == right.title and
left.track_uri == right.track_uri)

def copy_song(song: Song) -> Song:
Expand All @@ -77,4 +87,5 @@ def copy_song(song: Song) -> Song:
copied.playback_start = song.playback_start
copied.subtitle = song.subtitle
copied.title = song.title
copied.track_uri = song.track_uri
return copied
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion upnp_scrobbler/
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Expand Up @@ -42,5 +42,5 @@ def duration_str_to_sec(duration: str) -> float:
float(int(seconds_str)) +
float(int(minutes_str) * 60.0) +
float(int(hours_str) * 3600.0))
print(f"duration_str_to_sec [{duration}] -> [{result}] (sec)")
# print(f"duration_str_to_sec [{duration}] -> [{result}] (sec)")
return result

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