Νumber of instructions executed by kernel
Τotal number of global transactions for L1
Τotal number of shared transactions for L1
Τotal number of L2 transactions
Τotal number of HBM transactions
From the above we get the following results:
Instruction Intensity: (No. Instructions/32) / (Νο. transactions) , instructions scaled to warp-level
Performance: (No. Instructions/32) / (1e9 * run time) , kernel_time is provided in usecs
For nvprof and ncu metric comparison, the NSight Compute User Manual can be used.
Use the profile_nvp.sh (for nvprof) or the profile_ncu.sh (for ncu)
Edit nvp, ncu dictionaries with appropriate metrics if needed
Edit create_graph() with peak GIPS and memory bandwidth values
Modify parameters in main() function:
Edit colors, markers & labels dictionaries with proper kernel names (l1, l2 & hbm keys are used for hierarchical roofline)
Define metric files
Define the profiler used (nvp or ncu)
Define kernel name(s) as shown in csv files
Define memory types used for bw ceilings and for app characterization
Define graph elements
Choose roofline mode:
- 0 : Hierarchical roofline for a single kernel
- 1 : Roofline Model for multiple kernels and chosen memory type(s)
In module roofline_tool.py the ceilings for L1,L2 cache, HBM and maximum (warp-based) IPS for the NVIDIA V100S and A100 GPU models, are sourced from the above-mentioned paper and from the Ampere Whitepaper respectively. Empirical bandwidths can be calculated by running measure_bw.sh under GPU_Microbenchmarks folder (results for V100S are provided in bw_measurements.txt). The measure_bw.sh currently supports only GPU models with nvprof profiling capabilities. The microbenchmarks used can be found here: accel-sim/gpu-app-collection