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Table 0.9.1

Simple flat-file database management.


How to install an extension

Download ZIP file and copy it into your system/extensions folder. Learn more about extensions.

How to show a table

Create a [table] shortcut.

The following arguments are available, all but the first argument are optional:

Name = file name (.csv, .tsv, and .psv types are recognised)
Caption = caption of the table
Style = table style, e.g. left, center, right; the special styles sortable, filtrable and point-aligned add the respective function to the table

The media/tables folder is the place to store your tables. You can also create additional folders and organise files as you like.

How to show a table with advanced options

Create a [table] shortcut.

The following arguments are available, all but the first two arguments are optional:

Name = -
Names = one file name, or more files to be "merged", concatenated by > (e.g. members2019.csv>members2020.csv), or to be "joined", concatenated by | (e.g. people.csv|cities.psv); merging has higher precedence
Unique = remove duplicate rows, i.e. which have the same value in the column specified, e.g. "Identification code"
Filter = show only the rows which satisfy one or more conditions, e.g. Country==Italy; available operators are <<, ==, >>, >=, !=, >=; alphabetic comparison are case-insensitive; more conditions can be concatenated with |, e.g. Country==Italy|Date<<2020-10-07; a leading | signals that conditions are to be or'ed (rather than and'ed), e.g. |Country==Italy|Date<<2020-10-07
Sort = sort the table by one or more columns, e.g. Surname|Name; the sorting is case-insensitive
Columns = show only some columns, in a certain order, e.g. Country|City|Year

An option must be wrapped into quotes if a space is present, e.g. "Name|Surname|Date of birth". If you wish to omit an option but specify the following ones, write -.

How to use Table from other extensions

Besides showing a table, this extension provides developers with simple database capabilities for their extensions. The following functions are exposed:

Return a table from a recognised file type

putTable($fileName, $table)
Save a table in a recognised file type

lockTable($fileName, $lock = true)
Create (or delete, if $lock is false) a lock, which prevents another instance of the script to access simultaneously $fileName

Return a table which is the result of the join operation on an array of tables, using the first column as key (e.g. you can join two tables with the columns Name, Surname, City, Age and City, State: the resulting one will have the columns Name, Surname, City, Age, State); moreover virtual .func tables can be joined to real ones

Return a table which is the result of the merge operation on an array of tables, even with different columns

simplifyTable($tables, $column)
Return a table without duplicate rows, i.e. those whose $column is identical (only the last one is kept)

filterTable($table, $conditions, $or = false)
Return a table with only the rows which match the conditions; conditions are in the format [[$columnName1, "OP", $value1], [$columnName2, "OP", $value2], ...], where OP is one of <<, ==, >>, >=, !=, >=; set $or to true for the conditions to be or'ed rather than and'ed

sortTable($table, $columns)
Sort a table according to the columns specified, in ascending order

arrangeTable($table, $columns)
Return a table with only the columns and in the order specified

How to define a table from other extensions

$table is an associative array. It can be initialised from a file with getTable, or assigned a value and modified with standard PHP operations. Its structure is as follows:

    "columns"=>[ "Column1", "Column2", "Column3", ... ],
        [ "Value1", "Value2", "Value3", ... ],
        [ "Value1", "Value2", "Value3", ... ],

The values of each row must be as many as the columns.


Showing a table:

[table data.csv]
[table data.csv "European countries" filtrable]
[table data.tsv "European countries" "sortable center"]

For numbers of a column to be aligned at the decimal point ., add the point-aligned style (or ensure that all of them have the same number of decimals). Four-digit integers (e.g. years) are shown with no thousand separator; in order to force it, add to them a decimal point. Dates are properly sortable if they are in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD.

Showing a table with some advanced options:

[table - "Society members" - members2020.csv>members2021.csv "Personal Id" - "Surname"]
[table - "Recent students" filtrable students.psv|curricula.csv - "Inscription Year==2021"]

Reading a table from an extension:

$tableHandler = $this->yellow->extension->get("table");
$path = $this->yellow->system->get("tableDirectory");
$fileName = "my-table.csv";
$table = $tableHandler->getTable($path.$fileName);

Table file in .csv format:

Country, Capital, Population
Austria, Vienna, 8857960
Belgium, Brussels, 11449656
Denmark, Copenhagen, 5806015

The separator is ,, unless a different one is specified in a line, put at the beginning of the file before the headers, containing only sep= followed by the separator, e.g. sep=;, sep=\t. A column containing the separator character must be wrapped into quotes ". Files in .tsv and .psv format have tabs and pipes (|) as separators respectively, use no quotes, but can escape the separator (as \t and \p respectively).

Besides real tables, you can join virtual .func tables. They specify calculated columns with this format:

Function: FunctionName
FixedArguments: Value1, Value2 ...
Arguments: InputColumn1, InputColumn2 ...
Values: Column1, Column2 ...

FixedArguments, if present, are passed to the function before other arguments. Functions can be defined in the file system/extensions/tablefunctions.php.


The following settings can be configured in file system/settings/system.ini:

TableDirectory (default = media/tables/) = base directory for tables
TableHeadingStyle (default = plain) = heading style for sortable tables, plain or link

If you want to add a new fancy heading style, write a table-fancy.css file and put into the system/extensions folder (since Yellow's themes do not provide a caption declaration, you may want to adjust it in order to blend it with your theme).


Giovanni Salmeri. Get help.


Simple flat-file database management.








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