Tool to accurately predict the future closing value of a given stock across a given period
of time in the future.The data used in this project is of 3 companies : Microsoft(January 2,
1990–November 18, 2021), Reliance (January 1,1996–November 18,2021),Tata Motors(Dec 25,1995–
November 18,2021) saved in csv files; MICROSOFT.NS.csv, RELIANCE.NS.csv,TATAMOTORS.NS.csv.
1.Reading data using parse date
2.Correlation Analysis
3.Normalizing the data
4.Train test Split using Timeseriessplit
5.Benchmark Model
6.Process the data for LSTM/CNN
7.Model building : LSTM/CNN
8.Evaluation of Model/CNN
9.Predictions made by LSTM/CNN
10.LSTM's Prediction Visual
11.Converting Prediction data to a excel file
The prediction results of Microsoft, Reliance, Tata Motors for LSTM and CNN is saved in
excel files; PredictionResults_LSTM_FOR_MICROSOFT.xlsx,PredictionResults_LSTM_FOR_RELIANCE.xlsx,
PredictionResults_LSTM_FOR_TATAMOTORS.xlsx, PredictionResults_CNN_FOR_MICROSOFT.xlsx,
PredictionResults_CNN_FOR_MICROSOFT.xlsx, PredictionResults_CNN_FOR_MICROSOFT.xlsx.
Error Percentages of Microsoft, Reliance, Tata Motors for LSTM and CNN are shown in the image