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Edgar Fuste edited this page Nov 2, 2021 · 1 revision


Catalog of arcs, which defines its basic characteristics.


Column name Data type Description Example
id character varying(30) Id of arc definition CIRC_FC110
matcat_id character varying(16) Id of material defined on cat_mat_arc FC
shape character varying(30) Shape of arc, defined on cat_arc_shape CIRCULAR
geom1 numeric(12,4) Internal vertical dimension of the element, expressed in meters. In case of circular conduits- value of the interior diameter.
geom2 numeric(12,4) Internal horizontal dimension of the element, expressed in meters
geom3 numeric(12,4) Internal dimension of the element, expressed in meters
geom4 numeric(12,4) Internal dimension of the element, expressed in meters
geom5 numeric(12,4) Internal dimension of the element, expressed in meters
geom6 numeric(12,4) Internal dimension of the element, expressed in meters
geom7 numeric(12,4) Internal dimension of the element, expressed in meters
geom8 numeric(12,4) Internal dimension of the element, expressed in meters
geom_r character varying(20) Real geometry in case of non-standard egg geometries
descript character varying(255) Description FC conduit
link character varying(512) Link c:\\users\users\catalog.pdf
brand character varying(30) Brand defined on cat_brand
model character varying(30) Model defined on cat_brand_model
svg character varying(50) Svg visualized on QGIS fc110_pn10.svg
z1 numeric(12,2) Material thickness, distance from hearth to the bottom of the conduit (m) 0.10
z2 numeric(12,2) Material thickness, distance from part upper duct to filling with material from the excavation (m) 0.10
width numeric(12,2) Total width. Width + bulk*2 (m) 0.11
area numeric(12,4) Area (m2) 0.0095
estimated_depth numeric(12,2) Estimated depth used for budget calculation if depth data is missing (m) 0.96
bulk numeric(12,2) Thickness of the conduit’s wall (UD (m) WS (mm)) 5.50
cost_unit character varying(3) Measurement units m
cost character varying(16) Price of the arc, related with price defined on plan_price A_FC110_PN10
m2bottom_cost character varying(16) Price of the type of soil, related with price defined on plan_price S_REP
m3protec_cost timestamp(16) Price of protection, related with price defined on plan_price S_NULL
active boolean If true, catalog value is being used TRUE
label character varying(255) Label visualized on QGIS
tsect_id character varying(16) Cross section identifier for the case of open irregular sections (epa = "IRREGULAR") according to HEC format
curve_id character varying(16) Curve identifier for irregular section for the case of irregular open sections (epa = 'CUSTOM')
arctype_id character varying(30) Arc type related to the catalog value, defined on cat_feature and cat_feature_arc CONDUIT
acoeff double precision Coefficient for calculating the replacement value
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