This repository provides an implementation of early stopping functionality for models in the LibRecommender framework. Early stopping is a form of regularization used to avoid overfitting when training a model. This implementation allows users to monitor a specified performance metric and halt training when performance ceases to improve.
- Customizable Monitoring: Choose the metric to monitor for early stopping (e.g., ROC AUC, loss, precision).
- Patience Parameter: Specify the number of epochs with no improvement before training is halted.
- Model Saving: Automatically saves the best model based on the monitored metric.
To install the repository, install it using pip:
pip install LibreStopping
or clone it to your local machine using:
git clone
Before using the EarlyStopping
class, ensure you have the required support functions and variables set up:
# These libraries are only examples
from libreco.algorithms import TwoTower
from libreco.evaluation import evaluate
from import DatasetFeat
# Define example data (replace with your actual data loading)
train_data, user_col, item_col, sparse_col, dense_col, eval_data = ['...']
train_data, data_info = DatasetFeat.build_trainset(train_data, user_col, item_col, sparse_col, dense_col)
eval_data = DatasetFeat.build_evalset(eval_data)
# Example functions for creating, fitting, and evaluating a model
def create_model(data_info, n_epochs):
# Create and return a TwoTower model
return TwoTower(
def fit_model(model, train_data, eval_data):
# Fit the model using training and evaluation data,
def evaluate_model(model, eval_data):
# Evaluate the model and return evaluation results
evaluation_results = evaluate(
metrics=["loss", "roc_auc", "precision", "recall", "ndcg"],
print(f"Evaluation Results: {evaluation_results}")
return evaluation_results
from LibreStopping.LibreStopping import EarlyStopping # Import the EarlyStopping class
# Initialize EarlyStopping
early_stopping = EarlyStopping(
model_path="path/to/save/model", # Path to save the best model
model_name="best_model", # Name of the model
data_info=data_info, # Dataset information
patience=5, # Number of epochs to wait before stopping
monitor_metric="loss" # Metric to monitor
savedata_overwrite=True # Optional Kwarg to customize data saving
savemodel_inference_only=False # Optional Kwarg to customize model saving
# Start training with early stopping
best_model = early_stopping.train_with_early_stopping(
create_model=create_model, # Function to create the model
fit_model=fit_model, # Function to fit the model
train_data=train_data, # Training data
eval_data=eval_data, # Evaluation data
evaluate_model=evaluate_model # Function to evaluate the model
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.