I made a script to install my configs and programs on diffrent linux OS's. So...I...Made...This
git clone https://github.com/GetOfMyLAN/Linux-confing-and-install.git
then run the script and go along with the dialog options
bash install.sh
WARNING so far I have not made installers for the os you chose (so it won't install arch for you) but that is a soon feature
- Arch
- Ubuntu
- Debian
- Gentoo
- Slackware
- Void
- Fedora
- i3
- polybar
- vim
- pywal
- feh
- rofi
- wallpaperchanger
- mpd
- ncmpcpp
- qutebrowser
- ranger
- calcurse
- htop
- mpv
- transmisson-cli
- Network manger
- Libreoffice
- R markdown
- pandoc
- LaTeX
- Krita
- Inkscapre
- kdenlive
- Musescore
- Audacity
- nodejs
- LAMP sever
- ruby and rubyonrails
- waterfox
- Configs
- steam
- wine
- Numix Icon Theme
- neofetch
- bleachbit
- arc gtk theme
- bash-pipes
- asscii-acurem
- youtube-dl
- youtube-veiwer