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GamepadDevice class reference

Alan Stagner edited this page Jun 9, 2020 · 1 revision


bool GetButton(Button btn) - Gets whether the button is pressed

bool GetButtonDown(Button btn) - Gets whether the button was just pressed this frame

bool GetButtonUp(Button btn) - Gets whether the button was just released this frame

float GetAxis(Axis axis) - Gets the value of the given axis

void Vibrate(float magnitude, int duration) - Start a rumble effect at the given magnitude for the given number of milliseconds (note: not all gamepads support vibration)

void StopVibration() - Stops any previously started vibration


GamepadState CurrentState { get; } - Gets a snapshot of the current gamepad state

Event<GamepadButtonPressedHandler> OnButtonPressed - Event triggered when a button is pressed

Event<GamepadButtonReleasedHandler> OnButtonReleased - Event triggered when a button is released

StringView Name { get; } - Gets the name of the gamepad device