Identity for your Android dApps.
This is a preview version of the uPort android SDK. Many intended features are still missing, stay tuned.
This SDK is currently being distributed using jitpack
In your main build.gradle
file, add:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
In your application build.gradle
def uport_sdk_version = "v0.0.2"
dependencies {
// core SDK
implementation "com.github.uport-project.uport-android-sdk:sdk:$uport_sdk_version"
// required for meta transaction fueling
implementation "com.github.uport-project.uport-android-sdk:fuelingservice:$uport_sdk_version"
This preview version requires that the SDK be configured with a functional IFuelTokenProvider
There is a FuelTokenProvider
implementation provided in the fuelingservice
override fun onCreate() {
val config = Uport.Configuration()
.setFuelTokenProvider( FuelTokenProvider(this, "<your dApp MNID>"))
This preview version of the SDK allows creation of a single account
that can be accessed by the nullable defaultAccount
field in the Uport
Uport.defaultAccount?.address // Returns the mnid address of the default account
Uport.defaultAccount?.proxyAddress // Returns the hex address of the default account
Uport.defaultAccount?.network // Returns the network id of the default account
//returns the ETH balance of the deviceAddress (measured in wei)
Uport.defaultAccount?.getBalance() { err, balance ->
// do something with balance or respond to err
//or as a coroutine:
val balanceInWei = Uport.defaultAccount?.getBalance()
if (Uport.defaultAccount == null) {
Uport.createAccount(network = Networks.rinkeby) { err, account ->
// update UI to reflect the existence of a defaultAccount
In case the app gets killed during the account creation process, the createAccount
method will try to resume the process where it left off.
It can be instructed to start from scratch, but that may cost additional fuel.
uPort SDK lets you create, sign, and submit Ethereum transactions on behalf of your users.
This preview uses metaTransactions for defaultAccount
//send value
val destination: String = "0x010101...."
val amountInWei = BigInteger.valueOf(1_000_000_000)
Uport.defaultAccount?.send(activity, destination, amountInWei) { err, txHash ->
// Update UI to indicate that transaction has been sent and is confirming
Networks.rinkeby.awaitConfirmation(txHash) { err, receipt ->
// Complete operation in UX
//`send` can also be used in coroutines
//call contract
val contractAddress = "0x010101..."
val data = <ABI encoded method call>
val txHash = Uport.defaultAccount?.send(activity, contractAddress, data)
val receipt = Networks.rinkeby.awaitConfirmation(txHash)
This library uses kethereum for a lot of ethereum related work.
The smart-contract encoding is generated using bivrost-kotlin
Private key management is done using uport-android-signer
Currently there is a transient dependency on spongycastle but that may be removed when pure kotlin implementations of the required cryptographic primitives become available.