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This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 25, 2024. It is now read-only.

Tool to reformat your entire C++ project directory in fast multithreaded manor using clang-format


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That project lost its purpose since clang-format introduced .clang-format-ignore and --files commandline option. You can find better way of doing things below.

I hope even so, you might find some useful stuff in that repo to help you out.


Project served it's time. If you want to perform formatting of many files you can do it better with clang-format right now using scripts and files. Sample just below.

Script gathers all .cpp and .h files, put them into files.temp and feeds it to clang-format that does good job of reformating them.

### ###

# Create a temporary file to store the list of .cpp and .h files

# Find all .cpp and .h files recursively from the current directory
find . -type f \( -name "*.cpp" -o -name "*.h" \) > "$temp_file"

# Format all .cpp and .h files
clang-format --files files.temp -i

# Remove the temporary file
rm -f "$temp_file"

If you need to ignore files, consider using .clang-format-ignore. Additionally you can disable formatting for centain directories by placing .clang-format with DisableFormat options turned on there.


Old project description below


This tool will help you reformat C++ project directory (or any directory containing Cxx files) using clang-format in fast multithreaded manor. Typical scripts are not very effective at reformatting huge amounts of files at one go. This tool solves the issue by using features of C++17-20 standard.

There are no special dependencies, project can be easily compiled for Windows and Unix systems.


Pre-build download available thru releases page.


On Linux: cmake --preset linux64-release && cmake --build build NOTE: you might need to install libtbb for successfull build!

On Windows: cmake --preset win64-release && cmake --build build


  • --help print help with available arguments list
  • -S optional, specify source directory to reformat, if not provided program will use current working directory as source
  • -I optional, ignore folders or files in relative paths to -S
  • -E optional, specify clang-format executable path, if not provided program will try to find it from LLVM path env variable
  • -C optional, specify additional command-line arguments for clang-format command, for example --dry-run --Werror --style firefox
  • --verbose enable more logging (could slow down the performance!)
  • --no-logs disable console output (could slightly improve the performance)

example command (git bash, windows):

./clang-format-all.exe -S C:/4.26.2-release/Engine/Source -E Tools/clang-format.exe -I Editor Developer ThirdParty -C "--dry-run --Werror" --verbose


If you found this useful, give it a star. Stars, yay ⭐

If you encounter issue, use Issues section above and write everything about it.

Main branch

Windows Linux


Tool to reformat your entire C++ project directory in fast multithreaded manor using clang-format





