Deployed link:
This is the server side of our Full Stack React App. which utilizes the Trefle API to retrieve gardening and general information about plants. It utilizes a Mongoose Database: users can add additional plant information, make user profiles, comment, and save their MyGarden elements. Multiple elements have full CRUD functionality.
Installation Instructions
Ensure node.js is operational on your machine. Run npm install in the root directory. Ensure mongo is running on your machine.
Follow the installation instructions on the corresponding .
Anyone can use, according to the terms of the license.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Contribution Guidelines
Janelle-Deane, Matt-Weber, Ann Guinee, Maria Waslick and Caitlin Bouroncle
Feel free to reach out to me either on my github or email.
Github:,,, and