MacOS sandbox for dnscrypt-proxy
brew install dnscrypt-proxy
git clone
cd macos-dnscrypt-proxy-sandbox
sudo install -o root -g wheel -m 0644 goonnowgit.dnscrypt-proxy.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons
sudo install -o root -g wheel -m 0644 /usr/local/sbin
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/goonnowgit.dnscrypt-proxy.plist
sudo launchctl list | grep dnscrypt-proxy
Or just start it manually, but you will have to add your present working directory to
(allow file-read-data
sudo sandbox-exec -f "${HOME}"/ /usr/local/opt/dnscrypt-proxy/sbin/dnscrypt-proxy --config /usr/local/etc/dnscrypt-proxy.toml
- I accumulated the *.sb files on the system. This was done more as a convenience to easily grep across files.
mkdir sandbox_files
sudo find /usr/share/sandbox -xdev -name "*.sb" -type f -exec sh -c 'ln -s {} sandbox_files/"$(basename {})"' \;
- Begin tracing dnscrypt-proxy and perform some DNS lookups, etc.
sudo dtruss /usr/local/sbin/dnscrypt-proxy -config /usr/local/etc/dnscrypt-proxy.toml |& tee dnscrypt.dtruss
- (Optional) Set your DNS server to localhost (Specify the correct interface)
networksetup -setdnsservers 'Wi-Fi'
or just
dig @ <some domain>
- Ctrl + C the process
- Parse out the syscalls
perl -lne 'print "$1" if /syscall::(\w+):return/ || /(^[\w\d_]{4,}?)\(/' dnscrypt.dtruss | sort -u
Add the syscalls to the syscall block in
In this case, the syscalls will be prefixed with
when you add them to the syscall allow list (I used the syscall block in, /usr/share/sandbox/ as a reference). -
The syscall block in starts with the lines below:
(when (defined? 'syscall-unix)
(deny syscall-unix (with send-signal SIGKILL))
(allow syscall-unix
;; System Call allow list
(syscall-number SYS___disable_threadsignal
- Press start (play button) at the top of the window
- Set the filter to syscall-unix
- Start the sandboxed dnscrypt-proxy
sudo sandbox-exec -f "${HOME}"/ /usr/local/opt/dnscrypt-proxy/sbin/dnscrypt-proxy --config /usr/local/etc/dnscrypt-proxy.toml
- look in the Console for deny syscall-unix log entries...
kernel Sandbox: sandbox-exec(<pid>) deny(1) syscall-unix <syscall #>
- Look up the syscall name corresponding to the syscall number in the Console output. I used,
- Add the syscall to the sandbox file according the to process explained above.
Disclaimer: This is still a work in progress and is ultimately for fun...
Also, as Apple states in their sandbox files:
WARNING: The sandbox rules in this file currently constitute
Apple System Private Interface and are subject to change at any time and
without notice.