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Norbert Wagner edited this page Feb 25, 2021 · 3 revisions


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What's Godemon?

Godemon are CLI tools that allows user to using hot reload and project managment. Godemon is using config file called - project.json. In next pages I will explain how to use godemon. Now we need to learn how to install Godemon.

Installation using

  1. Download the from the newest release
  2. Use command in terminal - sudo chmod 777 ./
  3. After this use command - sudo ./ and choose 1st option

Installation from source code

  1. Use command - wget
  2. Unzip the .zip directory
  3. Go to directory with source code
  4. Use command - go build
  5. After this use command - sudo chmod 777 ./godemon; mkdir ~/.godemon; mkdir ~/.godemon/bin; mv ./godemon ~/.godemon/bin
  6. Now add export PATH=$PATH:~/.godemon/bin to file .bashrc

Updating the godemon

  1. Download the from the newest release
  2. Use command in terminal - sudo chmod 777 ./
  3. After this use command - sudo ./ and choose 2nd option