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Godot XR Auto Hand addon

Use this addon for hand tracking that is automatically compatible with XRControllers and creates button and thumbstick events from hand gestures.


To Use

Simply instantiate auto_handtracker.tscn under each XRController3D beside your chosen hand model from the godot-xr-tools addon library

The controls are:

  • Trigger Button - Index and thumb facing forward and pinch. The default controller's XRPositionalTracker maps this to a select_button signal, which is treated the same in some applications.

  • Grip Button - Make a fist using the middle, ring and little fingers. The index finger is ignored so it is free to make a pinch gesture independently.

  • Thumbstick - Palm upwards with thumb, middle and ring fingers close together, then move this in a horizontal plane. Circles appear to illustate the extent of the area for the joystick's motion.

  • AX and BY Buttons - Same as thumbstick but up and down, this way round because the AX is often use for jump.

  • Stick click - Not yet supported.

Demo project

The project in the top level of the repo provides a panel with each of the


A precompiled APK suitable for the Meta Quest is available here.

How it works

The XRServer has a number of XRTrackers registered to it. If the XR interface is running each XRController3D is associated to a XRControllerTracker either called "left_hand" or "right_hand".

If hand tracking is enabled and working there will also be XRHandTracker objects called "/user/hand_tracker/left" and "/user/hand_tracker/right" in the XRServer. These have the function get_hand_joint_transform(j) which returns the position of any of the 26 joints in each hand. This is sufficient to map the position and skeleton bone orientations of a hand model to conform with these positions.

To operate the controller buttons with hand gestures there are two new XRPositionalTracker objects called "left_autohand" and "right_autohand" added to the XRServer which are operated in software according to the positions detected by particular hand joint positions.

See the documentation here

This addon automatically enables hand tracking on the hand models found in the either godot-xr-tools addon library.
Simply instantiate an AutoHand scene under the XRController3Ds or the hand objects themselves and this library will take over the animation of the fingers when hand tracking is used.

This addon does not depend on godot-xr-tools since it uses only the OpenXR hand tracking API function calls made available in Godot4.2. Tested on the Quest2 and Pico4. Don't forget to enable hand tracking when you export the project.

The three functions get_hand_joint_position(), get_hand_joint_rotation() and get_hand_joint_flags() in the OpenXRInterface class provide the absolute space positions and rotations for 26 joints of each hand.

Given the rest poses of the bones in the hands of the Godot-xr-toolkit we can calculate the new poses and scalings of each bone in order to force them to conform and fit to these joint locations. Experimental options (applymiddlefingerfix, coincidewristorknuckle, etc) are available to help understand the factors that go into this calculation.

Comparison to XRHandModifier3D

This library predates and replicates the hand tracking features implemented in Godot 4.3 that depend on an XRNode3D set to user/hand_tracker/... containing a special Z-aligned Skeleton3D
containing an XRHandModifier3D node. See the documentation here

There are differences, and demo project allows you to switch between these two implementations for comparison by touching the yellow sphere with your index fingers.
XRHandModifier3D ignores bone lengths (the distance between the joints) and only the bone orientations are read and set, so your fingertips are mis-aligned if your hands don't match the base model's dimensions exactly.

Hand action signals

Hand tracking can't do anything on its own without the capability to
generate the equivalent of button presses and joystick motions from the finger gestures.

We have encoded several finger gestures to match controller button presses by creating a new XRPositionalTracker object and temporarily swapping it in on the XRController3D node when hand tracking is active.

These gestures simulate the full controller-button experience, including the touch, squeeze value and click. This was necessary because the godot-xr-tools pickup feature ignores the grip_click signal and just relies on floating point grip value to determin if the player is squeezing the grip button.

A panel in the demo example illustrates and animates all the incoming signals from the controllers or the hands.

The aim XRPose is copied across from the controller output to the hand output instead of using something derived from the hand-positions. This is why there is a mismatch which you can see by the filtering applied to the aim pose to stabilize it.