Hi there, my name is George! 👋
I'm currently passionate about web development and love working with HTML/CSS (Sass/Scss), JavaScript (jQuery/AJAX/Vue), and PHP (Laravel). Also, I enjoy doing some designs (UX/UI).
At present, I'm working at the company as a software engineer (working on PHP projects and 1C). I also enjoy using JetBrains IDEs.
Previously, I developed Discord Bots using JavaScript and the discord.js library.
Here are some of my public repositories:
- GogaNotClownProfile - VueJS + Vite.js
- greg_bot - discord.js
- PersonalSpace - default html / css (tailwindcss - daisyUI) / js
- accordion - default html / css / js
- http-cats - default html / css / js / using API
- PersonalWeb - default html / css / js - in public archive
and many many many private projects...