Eventarc lets you asynchronously deliver events from different event sources (Google Cloud sources with Audit Logs, Cloud Storage buckets and Pub/Sub topics) to different event consumers (Cloud Run services, Cloud Functions, Workflows and GKE services).
This repository contains a collection of samples for Eventarc for various use cases.
Here is the the list of events supported by Eventarc.
There's a presentation that explains Eventarc.

- Eventarc and Cloud Run
- Eventarc and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
- Eventarc and Cloud Run for Anthos
- Eventarc and Cloud Functions (2nd gen)
- Eventarc and Workflows
- Eventarc (AuditLog-BigQuery) and Workflows
- Eventarc (Cloud Storage) and Workflows
- Eventarc (AuditLog-Cloud Storage), Cloud Run and Workflows
- Eventarc (Pub/Sub) and Workflows
- Eventarc (Pub/Sub), Cloud Run and Workflows
- Workflows and Eventarc (Pub/Sub)
- Image processing pipeline v2 - Eventarc (Cloud Storage) + Cloud Run + Workflows
- Image processing pipeline v3 - Eventarc (Cloud Storage) + Workflows
- Take screenshots of webpages with Cloud Run jobs, Workflows and Eventarc
- Event payload storer
- Terraform samples
- Cross project eventing
- Cloud IoT Events
- Eventarc and Google Workspace
- Publish custom events
- Third-party providers
This is not an official Google product.