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This module makes it easy to setup NetApp Volumes. It is designed to deploy Stroage Pool and Storage Volume(s). Creation of Storage Pool is optional. Module can create Storage Volme(s) in an existing storage pool.


This module is meant for use with Terraform 1.3+ and tested using Terraform 1.3+. If you find incompatibilities using Terraform >=1.3, please open an issue.


Current version is 0.X. Upgrade guides:


Functional examples are included in the examples directory. Basic usage of this module is as follows:

  • Create a Storage Pool and Storage Volumes
module "netapp_pool_volume" {
  source  = "GoogleCloudPlatform/netapp-volumes/google"
  version = "~> 1.1"

  project_id         = "test-project-id"
  location           = "us-central1"

  storage_pool = {
    create_pool   = true
    name          = "test-pool"
    size          = "2048"
    service_level = "PREMIUM"
    ldap_enabled  = false
    network_name  = "test-network"
    labels = {
      pool_env = "test"
    description = "test pool"

  storage_volumes = [

      name       = "test-volume-1"
      share_name = "test-volume-1"
      size       = "100"
      protocols  = ["NFSV3"]
      snapshot_policy = {
        enabled = true
        daily_schedule = {
          snapshots_to_keep = 1
          minute            = 45
          hour              = 23

      export_policy_rules = {
        test = {
          allowed_clients = ","
          access_type     = "READ_WRITE"
          nfsv3           = true
          has_root_access = true

      name       = "test-volume-2"
      share_name = "test-volume-2"
      size       = "200"
      protocols  = ["NFSV3"]
      snapshot_policy = {
        enabled = true
        daily_schedule = {
          snapshots_to_keep = 1
          hour              = 22


  • Create storage volumes in an existing storage pool
module "storage_pool_only" {
  source  = "GoogleCloudPlatform/netapp-volumes/google"
  version = "~> 1.0"

  project_id = var.project_id
  location   = var.region

  storage_pool = {
    create_pool   = true
    name          = "test-pool-2"
    size          = "2048"
    service_level = "PREMIUM"
    ldap_enabled  = false
    network_name  = var.network_name
    labels = {
      pool_env = "test"
    description = "test storage pool only"

  depends_on = [

## 3 - Create storage volume in the storage pool already created

module "volumes_only" {
  source  = "GoogleCloudPlatform/netapp-volumes/google"
  version = "~> 1.0"

  project_id = module.netapp_volumes.storage_pool.project
  location   = module.netapp_volumes.storage_pool.location

  # name of an existing storage pool
  storage_pool = {
    create_pool = false
    name        =

  storage_volumes = [
    # test-volume-3
      name            = "test-volume-3"
      share_name      = "test-volume-3"
      size            = "100"
      protocols       = ["NFSV3"]
      deletion_policy = "FORCE"
      snapshot_policy = {
        enabled = true
        daily_schedule = {
          snapshots_to_keep = 1
          minute            = 21
          hour              = 4
        weekly_schedule = {
          snapshots_to_keep = 2
          minute            = 1
          hour              = 3
          day               = "Sunday"
      export_policy_rules = {
        test = {
          allowed_clients = ","
          access_type     = "READ_WRITE"
          nfsv3           = true
          has_root_access = true

  depends_on = [


Name Description Type Default Required
common_labels Common Labels as key value pairs. Applies to all the resources. If labels are provided in storege_pool or storage_volumes then they are merged with common labels before being applied to the resources map(any) {} no
location Name of the location. Usually a region name, expect for some STANDARD service level pools which require a zone name string n/a yes
project_id The ID of the project in which the resource belongs string n/a yes
storage_pool Storage pool details
create_pool = optional(bool, false)
name = string
network_name = optional(string)
network_project_id = optional(string)
service_level = optional(string)
size = optional(number)
description = optional(string)
labels = optional(map(string), {})
ldap_enabled = optional(bool, false)
ad_id = optional(string)
n/a yes
storage_volumes List of Storage Volumes
name = string
size = number
share_name = string
protocols = list(string)
labels = optional(map(string), {})
smb_settings = optional(list(string))
unix_permissions = optional(string)
description = optional(string)
snapshot_directory = optional(bool)
security_style = optional(string)
kerberos_enabled = optional(bool)
restricted_actions = optional(list(string))
deletion_policy = optional(string)

backup_policies = optional(list(string))
backup_vault = optional(string)
scheduled_backup_enabled = optional(bool, true)

export_policy_rules = optional(map(object({
allowed_clients = optional(string)
has_root_access = optional(string)
access_type = optional(string) #Possible values are: READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE, READ_NONE
nfsv3 = optional(bool)
nfsv4 = optional(bool)
kerberos5_read_only = optional(bool)
kerberos5_read_write = optional(bool)
kerberos5i_read_only = optional(bool)
kerberos5i_read_write = optional(bool)
kerberos5p_read_only = optional(bool)
kerberos5p_read_write = optional(bool)

snapshot_policy = optional(object({
enabled = optional(bool, false)
hourly_schedule = optional(object({
snapshots_to_keep = optional(number)
minute = optional(number)

daily_schedule = optional(object({
snapshots_to_keep = optional(number)
minute = optional(number)
hour = optional(number)

weekly_schedule = optional(object({
snapshots_to_keep = optional(number)
minute = optional(number)
hour = optional(number)
day = optional(string)

monthly_schedule = optional(object({
snapshots_to_keep = optional(number)
minute = optional(number)
hour = optional(number)
days_of_month = optional(string)


[] no


Name Description
storage_pool Storage Pool created
storage_volumes Storage Volume(s) created

storage_pool details

In order to create Storage Pool set create_pool to true, provide values for name, network_name, service_level and size. Other fields are optional.

If you already have a Storage Pool created, set create_pool to false and provide name of an existing Storage Pool.

storage_volumes details

Provide list of storage volumes to create. Each volume requires name, size, share_name and protocols. Other fields are optional.


These sections describe requirements for using this module.


The following dependencies must be available:

  • [Terraform][terraform] v1.3+
  • [Terraform Provider for GCP][terraform-provider-gcp] plugin v5.33+

Service Account

A service account with the following roles must be used to provision the resources of this module:

  • Google Cloud NetApp Volumes Admin: roles/netapp.admin


A project with the following APIs enabled must be used to host the resources of this module:

  • Google Cloud NetApp Volumes API:

The Project Factory module can be used to provision a project with the necessary APIs enabled.


Refer to the contribution guidelines for information on contributing to this module.

Security Disclosures

Please see our security disclosure process.