- Openshift Client
- Linux Cron (CentOS/RHEL/Fedora: yum install cronie , Linux/Unix: apt-get install cron)
- Configure your cloud platform credentials in local
- Any python3 version (https://computingforgeeks.com/install-latest-python-on-centos-linux/)
1. yum install python3-virtualenv
2. virtualenv --python=python3.x ~/ocp-cluster-setup/venv
3. cd ~/ocp-cluster-setup/venv/bin
4. source activate
5. pip3 install -r ~/ocp-cluster-setup/requirements.txt
1. Immediate Deployment
2. Scheduled Deployment (Cron Job)
python3 ~/ocp-cluster-setup/main.py
python3 ~/ocp-cluster-setup/main.py true
Before deployment make sure these mandatory changes are done
For fast cluster deployment:
1. Modify config/ClusterConfig.json:
"ocp" : {
"pull_secret": "" // Add your pull secret which should have ci build access
2. Modify config/LocalConfig.json:
"cron_schedule": "0 9 * * 1-5", // week days 9AM, For more info: https://crontab.guru
"dir_path": "/tmp", // cluster setup workspace
"refresh_openshift_installer": false, // To control OCP installer download
3. Modify config/emailConfig.json file as per your need:
"email_id" : "ocpclusterbot@gmail.com", // I prefer to use this for our team
"email_pass": "", // Mandatory
"receiver_emails": ["abc@gmail.com", "xyz@gmail.com"], // list of email
For cluster deployment with more custom configurations:
1. Paste you own intallConfig content on custom_templates/installConfig.yaml
2. Go to config/clusterConfig.json and enable "custom_install_config_template": true
(Script wont take any config from setup_info of clusterConfig.json)
1. Modifiy config/LocalConfig.json to deploy OCS:
"deploy_ocs": true // This will create OCS catalog
2. Modify OCS subscription options in config/ClusterConfig.json:
"ocs": {
"ocs_build": "quay.io/ocs-dev/ocs-registry:latest", // OCS build version
"ocs_subscription": {
"subscription": "ocs-operator.v4.8.0", // OCS subscription version
"subscribe": true // Enable this to subscribe OCS
ocpClusterSetup/log/ocpClusterInstallation.log (script related logs)
/tmp/{clustername-uuid}/.openshift_install.log (openshift-installer logs)
ocpClusterSetup/openshift-installer/openshift-install destroy cluster --dir {cluster dir path} // for path check email (or) script-logs
1. For any changes in OCP build version (config file) , Please remove ocpClusterSetup/openshift-installer and ocpClusterSetup/openshift-installer.tar.gz. Otherwise, Tt will not consider the new version change.
2. If you dont prefer the above option, Please enable "refresh_openshift_installer" flag( in localConfig). It will download the new build for every new cluster creation request.
"refresh_openshift_installer": true