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TypeScript implementation of the distributed quantile sketch algorithm DDSketch


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This repo contains the TypeScript implementation of the distributed quantile sketch algorithm DDSketch originally developed by DataDog™. DDSketch is mergeable, meaning that multiple sketches from distributed systems can be combined in a central node.


The package is under @graphmeitrcs/sketches-js and can be installed through NPM or Yarn:

npm install @graphmetrics/sketches-js

# Yarn
yarn add @graphmetrics/sketches-js


Initialize a sketch

To initialize a sketch with the default parameters:

import { DDSketch } from '@graphmetrics/sketches-js'; // or const { DDSketch } = require('@graphmetrics/sketches-js');
const sketch = new DDSketch();

Modify the relativeAccuracy

If you want more granular control over how accurate the sketch's results will be, you can pass a relativeAccuracy parameter when initializing a sketch.

Whereas other histograms use rank error guarantees (i.e. retrieving the p99 of the histogram will give you a value between p98.9 and p99.1), DDSketch uses a relative error guarantee (if the actual value at p99 is 100, the value will be between 99 and 101 for a relativeAccuracy of 0.01).

This property makes DDSketch especially useful for long-tailed distributions of data, like measurements of latency.

import { DDSketch } from '@graphmetrics/sketches-js';

const sketch = new DDSketch({
    relativeAccuracy: 0.01 // `relativeAccuracy` must be between 0 and 1

Add values to a sketch

To add a number to a sketch, call sketch.accept(value). Only positive numbers above 0 are supported.

const measurementOne = 1607374726;
const measurementTwo = 1;


Retrieve measurements from the sketch

To retrieve measurements from a sketch, use sketch.getValueAtQuantile(quantile). Any number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) can be used as a quantile.

Additionally, common summary statistics are available such as sketch.min, sketch.max, sketch.sum, and sketch.count:

const measurementOne = 1607374726;
const measurementTwo = 1;


sketch.getValueAtQuantile(0); // 1
sketch.getValueAtQuantile(0.5); // 1
sketch.getValueAtQuantile(0.99); // 1607374726
sketch.getValueAtQuantile(1); // 1607374726

sketch.min; // 1
sketch.max; // 1607374726
sketch.count; // 2
sketch.sum; // 1607374727

Merge multiple sketches

Independent sketches can be merged together, provided that they were initialized with the same relativeAccuracy. This allows collecting and transmitting measurements in a distributed manner, and merging their results together while preserving the relativeAccuracy guarantee.

import { DDSketch } from '@graphmetrics/sketches-js';

const sketch1 = new DDSketch();
const sketch2 = new DDSketch();

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].forEach(value => sketch1.accept(value));
[6, 7, 8, 9, 10].forEach(value => sketch2.accept(value));

// `sketch2` is merged into `sketch1`, without modifying `sketch2`

sketch1.getValueAtQuantile(1); // 10



TypeScript implementation of the distributed quantile sketch algorithm DDSketch







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