Usage: java -jar Radon-Program.jar ExampleConfig.yml
Alternatively, you can also use java -jar Radon-Program.jar --help
for help.
Example configuration:
Input: "C:/Users/ItzSomebody/Desktop/Example.jar"
Output: "C:/Users/ItzSomebody/Desktop/Example-OBF.jar"
Enabled: true
Mode: Heavy
StringPool: false
- "Example String #1"
- "Example String #2"
- "Example String #3"
InvokeDynamic: Heavy
NumberObfuscation: Heavy
FlowObfuscation: Heavy
Enabled: true
Remove: true
Enabled: true
Remove: true
Enabled: true
Remove: true
Enabled: true
Remove: true
HideCode: true
Shuffler: true
Crasher: true
Enabled: true
Repackage: "NotTheDefaultPackage"
- "Example.resource"
Enabled: true
InlineGotoGoto: true
InlineGotoReturn: true
RemoveNopInstructions: true
Enabled: true
RemoveAttributes: true
RemoveDebug: true
RemoveInvisibleAnnotations: true
RemoveVisibleAnnotations: true
Enabled: true
Message: "This copy belongs to ItzSomebody"
Key: "SuperSecureKey"
Enabled: true
InjectJOptionPane: true
Message: "Sorry, but your software trial has passed the expiration date. Please pay the ItzSomebody Corporation 30 billion USD to the paypal address to receive the full version."
Expires: "12/31/2018"
Dictionary: Spaces
TrashClasses: 30
- "C:/Program Files/Java/jre1.8.0_xxx/lib/rt.jar"
- "C:/Program Files/Java/jre1.8.0_xxx/lib/jce.jar"
- "Global: me/itzsomebody/example/excludeallthis.*"
- "InvokeDynamic: me/itzsomebody/example/excludethisaswell.*"
The input key only takes one argument, a string providing the input file to the obfuscator.
The output key only takes one argument, a string providing the output file to the obfuscator to write the obfuscated result to.
The string encryption key takes several arguments.
Key | Expected value(s) | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Determines if the string encryption transformer should be enabled. |
Mode | String | Determines which type of string encryption to apply. Valid modes are: Light, Normal and Heavy. |
StringPool | Boolean | Determines if strings should also be pooled on top of the string encryption. |
Exclusions | List of Strings | Strings to prevent from being encrypted/pooled. Anything strings found in the input which contain these strings will be left untouched in the output. |
The invokedynamic key only takes one argument: a string determining which kind of invokedynamic to apply to the output jar. Valid modes are Light, Normal and Heavy.
The number obfuscation key only takes one argument: a string determining which kind of number obfuscation to apply to the output jar. Valid modes are Light, Normal and Heavy.
The flow obfuscation key only takes one argument: a string determining which kind of flow obfuscation to apply to the output jar. Valid modes are Light, Normal and Heavy.
The local variables obfuscation key takes two arguments.
Key | Expected value(s) | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Determines if local variable names should be obfuscated. |
Remove | Boolean | Determines if local variable names should be removed altogether. |
The line number obfuscation key takes two arguments.
Key | Expected value(s) | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Determines if line numbers should be obfuscated. |
Remove | Boolean | Determines if should be removed altogether. |
The source name obfuscation key takes two arguments.
Key | Expected value(s) | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Determines if source names should be obfuscated. |
Remove | Boolean | Determines if source names should be removed altogether. |
The source debug obfuscation key takes two arguments.
Key | Expected value(s) | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Determines if source debug information should be obfuscated. |
Remove | Boolean | Determines if source debug information should be removed altogether. |
The hide code key takes only one argument: a boolean determining if hide code obfuscation should be applied.
The shuffler key takes only one argument: a boolean determining if member shuffling should be applied.
The hide code key takes only one argument: a boolean determining if crashers should be applied.
The renamer key takes several arguments.
Key | Expected value(s) | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Determines if identifier renaming should be enabled. |
Repackage | String | Moves all classes into this package. |
AdaptResources | List of Strings | Regular expressions which tell the obfuscator which resources to attempt to adapt the updated class mappings to. |
The optimizer key takes several arguments.
Key | Expected value(s) | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Determines if optimization should be enabled. |
InlineGotoGoto | Boolean | Determines if goto-goto sequences should be optimized. |
InlineGotoReturn | Boolean | Determines if goto-return sequences should be optimized. |
RemoveNopInstructions | Boolean | Determines if nop instructions should be removed. |
The shrinker key takes several arguments.
Key | Expected value(s) | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Determines if shrinking should be enabled. |
RemoveAttributes | Boolean | Determines if miscellaneous class attributes should be removed. |
RemoveDebug | Boolean | Determines if miscellaneous debugging info (inner classes, outer class, outer method, etc.) should be removed. |
RemoveInvisibleAnnotations | Boolean | Determines if invisible annotations should be removed. |
RemoveVisibleAnnotations | Boolean | Determines if visible annotations should be removed. |
The watermarker key takes several arguments.
Key | Expected value(s) | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Determines if watermarking should be enabled. |
Message | String | Message to embed. |
Key | String | Key to encrypt message with. |
The expiration key takes several arguments.
Key | Expected value(s) | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Determines if expiration should be enabled. |
InjectJOptionPane | Boolean | Determines if a JOptionPane should be injected into the code along with the Throwable. |
Message | String | Message to show when the expiration date passes. |
Expires | String | MM/dd/yyyy-formatted string of when the expiration date occurs. |
The dictionary key takes only one argument: a string determining which dictionary to use when generating new names for classes and its members. Valid dictionaries are: Spaces, Unrecognized, Alphabetical and Alphanumeric.
The trash classes key takes only one argument: a integer determining how many trash classes should be generated. Any integer less than or equal to zero will disable trash classes.
The libraries key only takes one argument: a list of strings containing the paths of libraries the input jar is dependant on.
The exclusions key takes only one argument: a list of strings containing exempts detailing how Radon should treat each class.
Exclusions takes the following format: <ExclusionType>: <ExclusionHere>
to dictate how Radon should treat exclusions. Exclusion statements are treated as regular expressions.
To exclude methods, you must use the format: <ExclusionType>: <ContainingClass>\.<MethodName><MethodDescription>
. Fields are excluded in the format <ExclusionType>: <ContainingClass>\.<FieldName>\.<FieldDescription>
All classes, methods, and fields are checked against exclusion at their internal bytecode representations. This means that
package me.itzsomebody;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
will be seen as me/itzsomebody/Test.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
to Radon. Valid exclusion types you can use are:
Exclusion Type | Description |
Global | Exempts a class/method/field from any kind of tampering (except for watermarking). |
StringEncryption | Exempts a class/method from having its string literals encrypted. |
InvokeDynamic | Exempts a class/method from having its method calls hidden with invokedynamic instructions. |
FlowObfuscation | Exempts a class/method from having its methods flow-obfuscated. |
LineNumbers | Exempts a class/method from having its line numbers tampered with. |
LocalVariables | Exempts a class/method from having its local variables tampered with. |
NumberObfuscation | Exempts a class/method from having its integer and long constants obfuscated. |
HideCode | Exempts a class/method/field from having access codes added into its flags. |
Crasher | Exempts a class from having an invalid type signature being added. |
Expiration | Exempts a class/method from having an expiration code block being inserted. |
Optimizer | Exempts a class/method from attempting to be optimized. |
Shrinker | Exempts a class/methods from attempting to strip information/code Radon deems unnecessary. |
Shuffler | Exempts a class from having its members (methods and fields) order randomized. |
SourceName | Exempts a class from having its source name debugging information being tampered with. |
SourceDebug | Exempts a class from having its source debug information being tampered with. |
StringPool | Exempts a class/method from having its string literals pooled. |
Renamer | Exempts a class/method/field from being renamed. |
- Q: Is this uncrackable/undeobfuscatable?
- A: No. Nothing is impossible to deobfuscate or reverse-engineer. Furthermore, Radon is far from being hard to deobfuscate. On a scale of 1 to 10 on how hard Radon is to deobfuscate, I'd say 3 at best.
- Q: Why is this open-sourced?
- A: I made Radon as a way to experiment with obfuscation and to become familar with the JVM bytecode instruction set and as a codebase if anyone wants to mess around.
- Q: Doesn't that make it easier to deobfuscate?
- A: Probably.
- Q: Why are concepts taken directly from other obfuscators/bytecode manipulation tools? (i.e. expiration transformer which is directly based on Allatori's expiration obfuscation)
- A: I thought those would be interesting to include in an obfuscation tool. This is also one of the reasons Radon is open-sourced.
- Q: My Java 9+ installation doesn't have a rt.jar! What do I do?
- *A: Try this.
- OW2 ASM - Bytecode manipulation framework.
- SnakeYaml - YAML parser.
- VincBreaker - Author of Smoke obfuscator which I took some ideas from. (i.e. Renaming classes as spaces and splitting numbers into bitwise xor operations)
- WindowBuilder by Eclipse - Used to make GUI (yes I know it's Java Swing, I didn't feel like remaking it in JavaFX)
- Licel - Makers of IndyProtect which I used as a reference for my invokedynamic transformers.
- Allatori Dev Team - Makers of Allatori Java Obfuscator which I took the concept of watermarking and expiration obfuscation from.
GNU General Public License v3.0 (The cancer license)