I don't rly feel like writing a whole explanation again so ill give you the start page description
to HisDoc, the wonderful history documentation program for small communities. If your reading this, your probably new here and thinking "wait no but why?". Well you see, I have run a minecraft server for over two years now, but I don't want to forget all the amazing things we've done in the past. Hence HisDoc.
The system used 3 main components, events, people, and tags. Events are as their name is, events that have occurred in this community. People just mean someone that has participated or was related toan event. And tags are just a way of grouping events.
So now your probably wondering what we can do, well first of we can construct a filterable timeline of all events on the timeline page. We can also show statistics of specific people and tags,as well as track extra information about events - for example specifying part of an event that needs to be confirmed or clarified before it is correct!
This system was built by me (GreenJon902). If you need any help or find a bug or have a feature suggestion then use the issue tracker on the github. I mean you could also contribute if you really want to 😉.
This is still atm an early beta/alpha, what's the difference, does anyone quite know? It is missing some essential features for anyone wanting to use it for larger communities where you don't have direct contact with everyone, as well as setting it up probably requires an understanding in what a mysql is. It also is likely not to work from version to version without some manual changes of sql tables.
I also don't really do error handling like, sometimes it just complains and the messages cant decide whether to contact me, or the person who set that instance up.
Apart from that it works great!